Not in Our Schools: Stop the Planned Parenthood Invasion

Ms. Peggy McClain has been investigating and reporting on the hyper-sexualization of Arizona’s school children for several years.   She has worked very hard to open the eyes of parents who find it hard to believe that their child’s school could possibly be a physically and emotionally dangerous place.  Some parents sense that something is wrong, but their common sense is overridden by the assurances of the "experts," especially because they are so nice about it.  Until, that is, the parent continues to express their concerns.  Ms. McClain helps parents refuse to be manipulated and take charge of their children’s education.  See Delphi Technique – Anyone Who Wants to be Involved in Their Child’s Education Should Understand This.   

Ultimately, young women who have had an abortion know that they have ended the life of their own child.  It is an agonizing fact they must live with for the rest of their lives, no matter how much Planned Parenthood and other abortionists try to dehumanize that child, even to the point of outright lying.  See Abortion Facility Misleads Women, Showing Them Deceiving Depictions of Fetal Development .  

Today’s young people need to know that one-third of their generation has been wiped out by abortion.  

Even the schools in Arizona are trying to "normalize" promiscuity, sexual experimentation, and abortion.  If your common sense tells you that this is wrong, you are right.  No matter which school your child is attending, I urge you to review Ms. McClain’s blog, Not In Our Schools, which is updated frequently.  You can also sign up to receive newsletters, and follow the blog on Twitter.  Recent articles include:

Americans: Stand up for Your Religious Views Before Canadian Policies Arrive 

Federal Government Funds Sex App for Kids 

Arizona Mayors Support Planned Parenthood 

Arizona’s Department of Child Safety Website Sends Children to Planned Parenthood.  

See Also:

The Tide is Turning: The Truth is Winning  

Teen Pregnancy Rate Falls 42.6 Percent after UK Cuts Sex Ed Birth Control Funding  

Gardasil, the Decision we will Always Regret 

Sexually Transmitted Diseases on the Rise in the U.S

Eighth Undercover Video: Planned Parenthood Baby Parts Buyer Stem Express Wants "Another 50 Livers/Week"

Seventh Undercover Video: Planned Parenthood’s Custom Abortions for Superior Product

Sixth Undercover Video: Stem Express’s Purchase of Fetal Body Parts Provided by Planned Parenthood  

Fifth Undercover Video:  Intact Fetuses Just a Matter of Line Items for Planned Parenthood TX Mega Center

Fourth Undercover Video: Planned Parenthood VP Says Fetuses May Come Out Intact, Agrees Payments Specific to the Specimen

Third Undercover Video: Planned Parenthood’s Black Market in Baby Parts

Second Undercover Video:  Planned Parenthood Senior Executive Haggles Over Baby Parts Prices, Changes Abortion Methods

First Undercover Video:  Planned Parenthood Uses Partial-Birth Abortions to Sell Baby Parts