Please Help Persecuted Christians

As we celebrate the birthday of God’s only son, Jesus Christ, we need to be reminded that we American Christians are able to attend church services and worship in peace, and to practice our faith. It is the First Freedom, guaranteed by the First Amendment.  However, Christianity is the Most Persecuted Faith Worldwide.   

See below for how you can help.

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Judge Orrick’s Wife: Pro Late term Abortion; Pro Gay; Pro Mockery of Jesus Christ

As we learned recently, federal Judge William Orrick III has extended his restraining order against the Center for Medical Progress, ruling against release of videos that could be prima facie evidence of born alive infants and subsequent sale of their body parts.  Orrick is the federal judge who Arizona Senator Jeff Flake voted for twice.  

 "Extremist" is the adjective most used by the newspaper, television, and entertainment industry, education establishment, and Democrats to describe conservatives and Christians.  But what about the actions and obvious beliefs of the person closest to Judge William Orrick III:  his wife, Caroline Farrow Orrick?   Does she represent "mainstream" America?  If so, what does that say about Americans?  Can we ever again call ourselves "civilized"?   

According to Mollie Hemingway, Senior Editor of The Federalist:

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“Silence in the Face of Evil is Evil Itself” Dietrich Bonhoeffer

As long as Americans are afraid to speak out against atrocities committed by a "protected" class, for fear of being called "Islamophobic," they will be parties to the destruction of Truth and Justice for everyone.  

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act” Dietrich Bonhoeffer, 1906-1945, German Lutheran Pastor. 

In a recent article titled Why No Protests to Ban Islam’s Black Flag?, Raymond Ibrahim asks why Muslims don’t grapple with their own "troubled conscience" as Americans who have removed the Confederate flag have done.    

How is it that Muslims aren’t willing to place themselves "in the shoes of any and all who have dark shadows in their cultural and societal and ideological history"?  Why don’t they acknowledge the truth of "Islam’s fourteen centuries of consistent barbaric behavior, under the black flag of divine sanction and command"?  

Mr. Ibrahim states:

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When Muslims Betray Non-Muslim Friends and Neighbors

Follows are excerpts from When Muslims Betray Non-Muslim Friends and Neighbors.  Why Islamic treachery in the Middle East should concern America, by Raymond Ibrahim

"The Christian man explained with disbelief how he saw a young member of the Diab family whom he knew from youth holding a sword and leading foreign jihadis to Christian homes.  Continues Georgios:

‘We had excellent relations. It never occurred to us that Muslim neighbours would betray us. We all said “please let this town live in peace — we don’t have to kill each other.”  But now there is bad blood. They brought in the Nusra to throw out the Christians and get rid of us forever. Some of the Muslims who lived with us are good people but I will never trust 90 per cent of them again.’

"A teenage Christian girl from Homs, Syria—which once had a Christian population of approximately 80,000, but which is now reportedly zero—relates her story:

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Independence from Man’s Law through Obedience to God’s Law

America is swiftly collapsing under the weight of feel good, show-how-much-we care "progressives." not just through the unconstitutional dictates of the recent Supreme Court decision on gay marriage, but also through a multitude of liberty-crushing laws, regulations, and acts. 

However, the consequences of the gay marriage decision has the most far reaching effect on America’s liberties and protections against tyranny not seen since Roe v Wade, or even since July 4, 1776, when a small group of men declared Independence from a tyrannical king.  

Why do I say this? 

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