Some time ago, a Wyoming school teacher revealed that she had been told by her school district that she was not allowed to speak out against Common Core.
There are many teachers in Arizona who are afraid to speak against Common Core, fearful of retaliation from their Superintendents, who could target them as first in line for a lay-off, or reassign them to an undesirable teaching position.
I’ve spoken with teachers who hate Common Core. They talk of children hating school, because of all the testing, testing, testing. Even in the first grade, there is little time for anything resembling fun. Everything is uniform, and schools, more than ever before, are turning into "test prep factories."
These teachers feel like slaves to an insufferable system that deadens the joys of teaching, and they are afraid to speak out publicly! Please send Gilbert Watch your story. I will not reveal your name! Send to
Here is the article titled A Wyoming School’s Common Core Gag Order.
The article begins "I received this email from a 6th grade teacher in Wyoming whose school placed a gag order on her regarding her opposition to the Common Core State Standards. I’m withholding her name to protect her privacy (and career)."
Here is the email from the Wyoming teacher:
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