The Truth About Why the BLM Wanted Cliven Bundy off the Land: Harry Reid and Money and Power

Don’t be fooled into believing that the BLM cares about a bunch of dusty, old tortoises that are supposedly endangered.   

Think about it.  In the name of the poor, dear tortoises, the BLM just spent millions of dollars to round up 300 of Cliven Bundy’s "trespassing cattle."  They managed to kill about 130 of them in the process.  Why?  Because, not only don’t they care about a bunch of tortoises, they also don’t care about a bunch of cows.  Using their helicopters they ran many of them to death in 100-degree desert heat.  Many of those cows were pregnant and weren’t given veterinary care; many of the newborns that survived their births died from lack of nourishment and callous treatment; many cows were fat with milk, having been separated from their newborn calves.  Each cow that died at the hands of the  BLM thugs had a value of about $1500.   

The BLM had enough money to pay thugs to intimidate, taser, and throw Americans to the ground.  The BLM had enough money to hire cowboy mercenaries to help round up Cliven Bundy’s cattle.  The BLM had enough money to send over 80 brand new shiny trucks to Clark County.  The had enough money to arm their thugs with helmet, body armor, and AR-15s.  

Yet, the BLM didn’t have enough money to feed the desert tortoises at the Desert Tortoise Conservation Center, so they euthanized them.  See Desert Tortoise Conservation Center plan to Euthanize Hundreds of Tortoises in Nevada.   

Put on your thinking cap.  Does this make logical sense?  Of course it doesn’t!  Because it isn’t the truth.

In fact, the federal government doesn’t care about any endangered species.  If they did, they wouldn’t allow the wholesale slaughter of every "endangered" critter that gets cooked by SOLAR and chopped up by WIND. 

So, what do the federal government and their corporate cronies care about?  

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Gilbert Town Council Votes AGAINST Gilbert Families, Homeowners, Free Market – ICC Codes Pass

The November 7, 2013 Town Council Meeting provided Gilbert Watch with the saddest and most telling evidence to date that proves that 4 out of 7 Town Council members have lost their ability to represent their constituents, unless those constituents are the Gilbert Chamber of Commerce, the Small Business Alliance, SRP, Town Officials, and neighboring jurisdictions.   These Council members include Mayor John Lewis, Vice Mayor Ben Cooper, and Council members Jenn Daniels and Jordan Ray.  
They approved one of the largest increases in regulations on private property and on the building industry, in Gilbert history. What is truly disappointing is that they did this in spite of having received months of evidence from private citizens for why the Council should  not approve these regulations.  It is also remarkable that the Council is preparing to approve the next round of codes, as dictated by the ICC (International Code Council) for 2015.
Three Council members opposed passage of the Codes:  Victor Petersen, Jared Taylor, and Eddie Cook.  Council member Victor Petersen favored an option which would have allowed passage of only those codes that would have reduced regulation.
Each of these three Council members deserve a Thank You from Gilbert citizens!,, and  

Over the last ten years, the ICC (International Code Council) has morphed into an organization that has forced builders all over America to comply with building codes that no longer address honest, urgent safety issues.  Rather, these ICC codes force everyone to become captive consumers of products that the ICC mandates through its "codes."  The obscene proliferation of these codes also forces builders and everyone in the building and construction industry to comply with an ever increasing time-consuming bureaucracy.  More bureaucrats and more training are needed to ensure they consistently interpret the codes.
Just like the ICC, 4 members of the Gilbert Town Council have morphed into facilitators of Big Government tyranny.  When you watch them reason and justify their rationales, they "sound nice."  But what exactly are they doing?  They are pushing centralized government.  They do not trust the citizenry.
Their actions prove that they do not care about the damage they are doing to families and homeowners who are forced to pay thousands of dollars more than necessary for their homes.  They do not care about the grief these codes have caused self-employed citizens who work in the construction industry who must adhere to these mandates.  They do not understand Free Market principles.  They reject the notion that these people are experts in their fields.  They do not care that many of them have closed their businesses.  They reject clear evidence that the Free Market reacts quickly to changing conditions, and that it’s the government-imposed codes that are slow to change.  
Gilbert Watch has reported on the ICC codes for months.  Gilbert citizens and self-employed business people have been emailing and speaking out to the Council for months.  They have been meeting with Town Staff, and supplying tons of research.
At the Nov. 7 meeting, there were 6 citizens who spoke in opposition; 24 citizens had sent letters; there were 19 citizens in the audience who were in opposition but did not speak; and 16 people who were in opposition who submitted their names to a list.   That’s 65 citizens documented in the Minutes of the meeting.  And it doesn’t count more citizens who showed up to the meeting.  
The Council gave more credence to the representative from the Gilbert Chamber of Commerce, the representative from the Small Business Alliance, and the representative from SRP (Salt River Project).  In fact, I doubt seriously if the members of these organizations have much first-hand experience dealing with these onerous codes.  
There was one citizen who spoke in favor of all the codes, including the Green and Energy Codes.  A quick search revealed that he’s a Democrat and a member of Sierra Club.
Here is the Motion that Passed:

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