Mountain View Tea Party ACTIVELY Supports Senator Pearce!

The organizers of the Recall Senator Pearce movement are not from District 18 and are planning to spend BIG money that is coming from outside our district to support their efforts! I’m sure they will have paid "feet on the ground" to spread their propaganda throughout District 18. We can’t allow them to buy another candidate that is willing to reverse all of the conservative gains that we have enjoyed through the efforts of Senator Pearce. State spending, reduced taxes, effective education, rule of law, illegal immigration and more! Senator Pearce has been at the fore front of each one of these battles – that’s why the opposition is pulling out all the stops to defeat him! It will be the politics of personal destruction. As the President’s men have said about Romney, "kill him".

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Chuck Gray – My Position

We find ourselves in the midst of a great struggle, battling to save our country from the enemies of freedom. Their intent is to rule over us and tell us how we should live our lives. They are subverting our free economy, undermining our Constitutional principles and weakening the rule of law. They are determined and unrelenting in pursuit of their agenda. We must defend ourselves from these attacks and I applaud those who are willing to place themselves at great personal risk as they run to our defense. They are our champions of freedom.

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