Set in Burleson, Texas, in 2011, the film centers on a 10-year-old girl named Anna (Kylie Rogers), daughter of Christy and Kevin Beam (Jennifer Garner). Anna is suffering from a pseudo-obstruction motility disorder and is unable to eat, using feeding tubes for nutrition. One day, she has a near-death experience, after falling 30 feet through the hollow of a Cottonwood tree and suffering only scratches. While unconscious inside the tree, with rescue workers struggling to get to her, she visited heaven. After being released from the hospital, she defied science and had inexplicably recovered from her chronic ailment.
Be sure to read the book written by Christy Beam, Miracles from Heaven, upon which the film is based. The old, enormous giant of a Cottonwood tree had always played a role in the lives of the Beam family. But never would they have imagined that their daughter would find her way to Jesus’s lap, will trapped in it.
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