U.S. Fish & Wildlife to Introduce Wolves into Gila, Navajo, Graham, and Coconino Counties

The following article was written by Donna Daly, a resident of Gila County.  If you live in Gila, Navajo, Graham, or Coconino county, or if you have a cabin in any of these areas, or if you have a business in these counties, you need to read every sentence of Ms. Daly’s article.  The deadline for comments to the U.S. Fish & Game is 10/28/2013.  No hearings have been scheduled in areas where these wolves are to be released!   All of the animal rights activists from across America know about it.  Not us!   These members of the Sierra Club and Defenders of Wildlife don’t even live in Arizona where these animals will  be released.  I live within 30 feet of the Tonto National Forest.  I know what coyotes can do.  I love all wild animals.  I love wolves.  It is criminal to release them in these areas, where they will be shot and killed by people protecting their families and livelihood.  If the animal rights people want to preserve wolves, release them in remote areas, not near people, and especially not near children!  Don’t release them where they will kill pets and livestock and ruin the economy of the towns that thrive on the recreational trade.   

This is what Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, Harry Reid, and all the Democrats want!  They want to grind America into the ground. 

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Seeing Red Arizona: No Amnesty!

"They will tell us our immigration system is broken. It is not.  What is broken is our trust."  GOP Amnesty "Standards" Based on Fallacies, Unenforceable Provisions

Seeing Red Arizona is one of the best conservative blogs in Arizona.  They have published some excellent articles relating to Amnesty (aka the politically correct "Immigration Reform"), including links to even more articles.  The bottom line is that granting Amnesty in any form will destroy the Republican party, not to mention the American economy and the ability of legal citizens to find jobs.  (Surely, you don’t believe what you read in the leftist newspapers about those cooked up low unemployment numbers.)    In fact, it will destroy the reason that so many people want to come to America, not flee it.  

Here is a short list of articles that you can find on Seeing Red Arizona on this critical issue, including a few excerpts.  Please read this blog from time to time for your conservative reality check.  

DNC Chair Admits It’s all About Voting.

Rush Limbaugh has long warned that Republicans are signing onto political suicide in conspiring with Democrats in their attempt to legalize illegal aliens. Limbaugh contends it is ultimately a push for citizenship intended to grant voting rights to a new Democrat demographic.

GOP Amnesty "Standards" Based on Fallacies, Unenforceable Provisions

The bottom line is the get-tough language regarding illegal aliens meeting certain standards and requirements is unenforceable, inviting even more fraud from our invaders. They begin by telling Americans who know better that “our nation’s immigration system is broken and our laws are not being enforced.” The truth is there is no will to enforce the law since business interests are enamored with low wage, foreign laborers. American voters can’t compete with the deep-pocketed lobbyists for the Chambers of Commerce who have the ability to persuade office holders in ways none of the rest of us do.

The document asserts “There will be no special path to citizenship for individuals who broke our nation’s immigration laws.” Addressing the injustice to legally applying immigrants it says, “that would be unfair to those immigrants who have played by the rules and harmful to promoting the rule of law.” The sham document patently neglects the fact that all illegals “broke our nation’s immigration laws.”

House Republicans also gift U.S. citizenship to the demanding, so-called DREAMers, those who profess they were brought here as children, another claim that is unverifiable, since applicants for this scam on America can be up to 35 years old.  They have to “meet certain eligibility standards, and serve honorably in our military or attain a college degree.” Authenticating such claims or when they actually arrived, is an impossibility.

Amnesty is Republican Party Suicide.  

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New Poll: John McCain is the Least Popular Senator in America

According to a new poll published by Public Policy Polling, Arizona Senator John McCain is the least popular Senator in America.  Here is their brutal analysis:  

PPP’s newest Arizona poll finds that John McCain is unpopular with Republicans, Democrats, and independents alike and has now become the least popular Senator in the country. Only 30% of Arizonans approve of the job McCain is doing to 54% who disapprove. There isn’t much variability in his numbers by party- he’s at 35/55 with Republicans, 29/53 with Democrats, and 25/55 with independents.

McCain trails in hypothetical general election match ups with both 2012 nominee Richard Carmona (41/35) and former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords (42/35). He would lead though in a match-up with former Governor Janet Napolitano, 44/36. This has the potential to be an interesting one in 2016.

According to the Universal Free Press:

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Is Power from the Navajo Generating Station too Costly for CAP?

by Patrick O’Malley

Central Arizona Project (CAP) provides Maricopa, Pinal, and Pima counties with 1.5 million acre feet of water every year. Navajo Generating Station (NGS) is the major source of electrical power to CAP, and electricity is CAP’s biggest operating expense. NGS continues to be one of the biggest problems facing CAP.

The EPA Wants $1.1 Billion in Pollution Controls

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) wants NGS to add additional pollution controls with a price tag of $1.1 billion. A letter of understanding by the Directors of the EPA, the Department of the Interior, and the Department of Energy in January gave NGS more time to study the issue, but it’s not likely to change the answer.  All three of those Directors at the EPA have since resigned, so it’s not up to them anymore.

Recently Rep. Matt Salmon sent a letter to the EPA asking them to take into account the economic impact on Arizona of additional pollution controls at NGS for negligible air quality improvement.   The EPA has been known to take economic issues into account in the past. But will they do it for a coal fired power plant?

Navajo Tribal Council Wants 15 Times More in Lease Payments

Plus, there’s a new problem for NGS.   The Navajo Generating Station is located on Navajo Nation land, and the coal it burns comes from a mine on Navajo land.  Both the lease and the coal mining agreement are up for renegotiation.

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Report on the 11/14/2013 EPA Hearing: Navajo Generating Station

by Patrick O’Malley
Precinct Committeeman (LD12)

At the EPA Hearing on November 14, the EPA asked those who wished to speak to come up and take a seat at the front table two at a time for efficiency. So I’m making my comments and the guy sitting next to me is with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. Is he supposed to be the balance to my conservative comments? No, we are both there trying to convince the EPA to leave Navajo Generating Station (NGS) alone. Or at least leave something in operation after they make their final ruling, because we both clearly see the damage changes at NGS will have on Arizona’s economy. It’s not just a federal authority out of control or state’s rights issue. This agency is messing with our everyday lives.

There were about 200 people at the hearing and about 100 of them made statements. It broke pretty cleanly into the Sierra Club wanting quick, drastic changes that will close NGS, and everybody else. Everybody else included legislators, union workers, Central Arizona Project, farmers, Indian Tribes, and average citizens. Rep. Warren Petersen and Joy Staveley from Canyoneers wanted the EPA completely out of our business and to back off completely from NGS. They have the right principles for the long term fight with the EPA, but I’m afraid it’s too late for principles to triumph on NGS.

The Technical Working Group (TWG) Negotiates a Surrender

In June of this year the Technical Working Group (TWG) got together and proposed a negotiated surrender as opposed to having the EPA force them into an unconditional surrender. TWG consists of Salt River Project and the Department of the Interior as major owners of NGS; Central Arizona Project (CAP) as the biggest customer of NGS; Gila River Indian Community as a major customer of CAP; the Navajo Nation because NGS is on their land, and they supply the coal to make it go; and two environmental groups, Environmental Defense Fund and Western Resource Advocates. The Sierra Club was originally part of TWG, but walked out when the plan wasn’t severe enough to satisfy them.

So why didn’t the State of Arizona get a seat at the TWG table? Technically because the EPA is dealing directly with the Navajo Nation and it’s not an Arizona issue, but it’s safe to assume the other members of TWG were afraid a State of Arizona representative couldn’t be trusted to surrender fast enough.

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Petition in Support of Limiting Government Week in Arizona

Arizona Representative Steve Montenegro (LD13) and Senator Al Melvin (LD11) have a great idea.    

"While the idea of Limited Government is central to conservative philosophy and mentions of it are scattered throughout the Republican Party Platform, there is no determined effort to make the act of limiting government and increasing personal freedoms a central part of the work done by Arizona’s State Legislature.

The signers of this petition support the proposition put forward by State Representative Steve Montenegro and State Senator Al Melvin that one full week of business at the Arizona Legislature be set aside for Limiting Government Week and that this week should be reserved to the hearing of bills that would reduce regulations and/or the size of Arizona’s government.

The signers of this petition believe that Arizona would set yet another example for legislatures around the country to follow and that Arizona’s State Legislature should send a strong message to employers around the country that Arizona is "Open For Business."

The signers of this petition urge all members of Arizona’s State Legislature and especially those in leadership positions to place onto the schedule Limiting Government Week beginning with the 2014 Regular Session."

Please sign the petition here.  

You might also send this to your city and town councils. Ask them:   "What have you done lately to limit the size of government and reduce regulations"?  I suspect they have been busy growing government and passing new regulations.    

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The War on Coal

by Patrick O’Malley
Precinct Committeeman (LD12)

The war on coal is not over and writing your Congressman is not enough. Obama’s EPA is fighting this war for him, and so far they’ve managed to keep the issue out of Congress by using new EPA rules and executive orders.

The prime target in Arizona is the Navajo Generating Station (NGS) in Page which generates 90% of the electricity used by the Central Arizona Project (CAP).   CAP is the major water supplier for Tucson and all the cities in the Phoenix area, plus all the farms in between. Mohave power plant is already gone; shutting it down made more sense than complying with new EPA regulations. Coronado, Cholla, and Apache power plants are also targeted.

The owners of NGS recently revealed their grand plan to comply with EPA demands without spending a billion dollars. They will shut down part of the plant, so they don’t produce as much pollution. They won’t produce as much electricity either, but that’s somebody else’s problem.

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Pelosi and the Democrats want to Destroy the Navajo Nation

Thanks to Andy McKinney for the following post.  

Dear Friends,

Nancy Pelosi is attacking the Navajo nation with a fury not seen for over a century.  She and her Democrat Party allies have set their sights on the economic and social destruction of the Navajo nation.

Fifty percent of the economically active people on the Navajo reservation are unemployed.  The nation participates in three interconnected operations providing $100,000,000 for the Navajo people. These are the Kayenta coal mine, the Navajo Generating Station (NGS) and the railroad that connects the two.  Losing the NGS means the loss of this entire economy, not just for the Navajo people, but also for the people who benefit and depend on it for their own livelihoods.

Pelosi wants to close the generating station on utterly bogus environmental grounds.  

 She and her Democrat Party Pals want to crush the economic life out of the Navajos.  For her, Navajos shouldn’t be allowed to have high paying railroad, mining, or power generating jobs. For her, food stamps and poverty are all the Navajo people can aspire to.

Fortunately, the Navajo coal miners are represented by the United Mine Workers of America UMWA).  Perhaps the Democrat Party will not throw their allies in big labor under the bus in favor of their allies in the environmental wacko movement.  Ninety-eight percent of the UMWA members at Kayenta are Navajo.

Save the Navajo.  Stop the Democrat Party.


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Rep. Paul Gosar Rallies Thousands to Fight for Energy Jobs

The issue of jobs in Arizona is critical, as Patrick O’Malley has explained in two articles:  The War on Coal, and The War on Coal: Take Action.  Mr. O’Malley also illustrates the devastating effect that the EPA’s actions will have on raising the cost of water and electricity to all Arizonans.  Under the Obama Administration, the EPA has taken charge over our lives.  We no longer have a well behaved Rottweiler under control in our household.  The Rottweiler has taken control.    

As you can see from this press release issued by Republican Congressman Paul Gosar, he’s helping us fight off the EPA’s belligerance.  But he cannot do it alone!  Patrick O’Malley has provided two sample emails that you can send to the EPA, copying him, so he can physically and publicly hand them to the EPA at the hearing on November 14.  The carbon letter must be emailed by Nov. 8.  The NOx letter must be emailed by Nov. 14.  Please copy Patrick O’Malley on both of these emailed letters.  His email address is pat.o@azcitrus.com. 

Here is Rep. Gosar’s Press Release:

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The War on Coal: Take Action!

by Patrick O’Malley
Precinct Committeeman LD12

On October 21 we talked about the EPA’s War on Coal and the power plants they are targeting in Arizona. The Sierra Club is bragging that they’ve closed down 150 coal power plants since 2010, and they want to make the Navajo Generating Station (NGS) in Page, AZ number 151. That’s the plant that supplies 90% of the electricity used to operate the Central Arizona Project (CAP) canal.

Those of us outside of the Page area won’t be part of the economic disaster that will take place in the Navajo Nation if NGS is shut down. They are the ones who will lose good paying jobs at the power plant and the coal mine. But everyone in Arizona will be affected, because, long term, somebody will have to pay to replace a perfectly good power plant with decades of life left in it. And that will be all of us paying more for electricity and water.

There are two EPA issues coming up right away that affect coal fired power plants in Arizona. The first is carbon capture with a deadline for the public to comment by November 8.  You can comment by email.

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