Why Conservatives Support Frank Riggs for Arizona’s Next Governor

When all else fails, please, study the candidate’s record.  The best indicator of future performance is past performance.  Promises are meaningless without a record of performance that backs them up.

Frank Riggs has a very long principled conservative record, both in and out of office.  He has stood firmly even when his stand was unpopular, because he had considered all the facts.  His previous experience in the U.S. Congress has armed him with many facts that others don’t have.  Having served in Congress, he knows how to get things done at the federal level. 

Frank Riggs’s grasp of multiple, complex issues is impressive.  Whether it’s Common Core (Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards), Parental Rights/Educational Choice, Medicaid Expansion, Border Security, Private Property Rights, the Budget, the Right to Bear Arms, the EPA’s threat to Arizona’s economy, Arizona’s Sovereignty, Water, Forests/Forest Products, Rural Issues, the Muslim Brotherhood, etc., Frank Riggs demonstrates indepth knowledge and leadership.

He is blessed with a high intellect and is his own man.  He bristles at the idea of having any "handlers," which he neither wants or needs.  He also stands up graciously under pressure and won’t be intimidated.

There are few elected officials who have this capability.  Former Senate President Russell Pearce, who recently endorsed Frank Riggs for Governor, is one of those people.  You might remember him as the author of SB1070, which, among other citizen protections, gave Arizona’s local law enforcement officers the authority to detain and arrest an individual when the officer has probable cause to believe that person has violated federal immigration law.  

You might not know that Senator Pearce fought hard and successfully on behalf of parental rights and school choice.  You also might not know that, like Frank Rigss, Russell Pearce served honorably in law enforcement.  Click HERE to learn more about Russell Pearce’s incredible record.

Highlights of Frank Riggs’s own Incredible Record Include:

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Riggs Campaign Responds to False Attacks

Cave Creek, Arizona  – One of Frank Riggs’ opponents in the Republican gubernatorial primary election has circulated an inflammatory and wildly inaccurate mailer to Republicans statewide.  In it, he alleges that Riggs "cites a single vote while he was a Congressman from California two decades ago as his ‘experience’ in fighting illegal immigration."  In fact, Riggs, an Army vet, ex-cop and three-term U.S. Congressman, has substantial experience fighting illegal immigration.

These are the facts:

1) Riggs has been on the front lines of law enforcement as a police officer and deputy sheriff.  He’s actually worn the badge, put his life on the line, enforced the law, and arrested illegal immigrants for committing crimes!

2) As a Congressman and Vice-Chairman of the California Republican Congressional Delegation, Riggs helped secure the funding to build the fence on California’s border with Mexico which now extends into the Yuma Sector of Arizona’s border with Mexico.  Riggs has promised to work with the Arizona congressional delegation to get the funding to secure the Tucson Sector of the border.

3) Riggs introduced and forced a vote on legislation patterned after California’s Proposition 187 to prohibit federal taxpayer benefits for illegal immigrants.  That was in 1998!

4) According to Numbers USA, the nation’s largest organization, with two million members, advocating immigration reduction and opposing amnesty, Riggs received a grade of "A" for his congressional voting record.  The organization "scored" 11 key votes during Riggs’ three terms in Congress and ranked Riggs on those votes, not on a single vote as his opponent alleged.  Riggs’ votes were on congressional legislation to reduce chain migration; reduce refugee and asylum fraud; reduce amnesty entitlements; reduce anchor baby citizenship; reduce illegal immigration rewards; and reduce illegal immigration at borders.  Here’s the proof. 

The same opponent also claimed in his mailer that Riggs "condemned SB 1070," yet this statement has been on Riggs’ website for months: "I strongly support the provisions of SB 1070 that would allow a local law enforcement officer to detain and arrest an individual when they have probable cause to believe that person is an illegal alien violating our country’s immigration laws. – See more at: On the Issues – Frank Riggs.  Riggs also has the endorsement and support of former State Senator and State Senate President Russell Pearce, the principal author of SB 1070!

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Gila County GOP Headquarters: Grand Opening & Tom Morrissey Fundraiser – July 19

The Gila County Republican Committee announces its Grand Opening at the Payson Republican Headquarters this Saturday, July 19, starting at 10:30 am.  Sheriff Joe Arpaio will cut the ribbon at 12 Noon.

Other special guests include candidate for Arizona Senate Tom Morrissey (LD18) and former Arizona Senate President Russell Pearce.  Senator Pearce was the primary author of SB1070.  That was the law that allowed a local law enforcement officer to detain and arrest an individual when they have probable cause to believe that person is an illegal alien violating our country’s immigration laws. 

Click HERE to see the flyer.  Please share with your friends and neighbors.  

Tom Morrissey Fundraiser

Following the Grand Opening, there will be a fundraiser on behalf of Tom Morrissey, starting at 1:00 pm, to be held at  Mount Cross Lutheran Church, 601 E. Highway 260, Payson.  Sheriff Joe Arpaio will be the Guest Speaker.  He will be joined by special guest former Arizona Senator Russell Pearce.   

It is critical that Tom Morrissey win the Arizona Senate race against Jeff Dial in Legislative District 18.  Jeff Dial is one of 14 legislators that the Gila County Republican Committee voted to censure, along with Gov. Brewer, for their role in passing Medicaid Expansion.  See GCRC Resolution to Censure Gov. Brewer and 14 State Legislators.   In contrast, most Republicans stood firmly opposed to this damaging vote.  See Arizona State Legislator Heroes. 

Tom Morrissey was the Chairman of the Arizona GOP from 2011-2013.  He was also the Chief Deputy U.S. Marshal for the Federal District of Arizona (Retired).  Seating is limited.  Tickets are $30 each, or 2 for $50.  

Click HERE to see the flyer.  Please share with your friends and neighbors. 

For more information, please call the Republican Headquarters at 928-472-GILA (4452).  They are open from 9 am – 6 pm, Monday through Friday.

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Darla Dawald to be Special Guest on Russell Pearce Show – Saturday Night

Please tune in to 960 AM The Patriot and join former Arizona Senate President Russell Pearce and special guest Darla Dawald on Saturday, April 5 at 7:00 pm.  Darla is running for the Arizona State Legislature in LD8 against Frank Pratt and T J Shope.  Both of these men voted for the Medicaid Expansion.   Darla is a constitutional conservative and the National Director of the Patriot Action Network.

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1070 Turns Three While Amnesty Looms

by Sen. Russell Pearce, former president of the Arizona State Senate and current board member of the Arizona Conservative club and chairman of BanAmnestyNow.com.  Portions of this article appeared in the May 12, 2013 Sunday edition of the Arizona Republic.
SB-1070 has been extremely successful!
SB-1070 is now three years old.  All but a few small pieces have been upheld as constitutional by the highest court in the land, and “America’s toughest anti-illegal immigration law” is not only on the books here in Arizona, but working quite well.  Crime rates are dramatically down.  Our state, county, and city governments have saved hundreds of millions of dollars in K-12 education with fewer illegal aliens in the classrooms, and saved tens of millions more in social services.
Illegal aliens have taken lives.  More than a dozen Phoenix police officers have been killed or maimed by illegal aliens.  Cochise County rancher Robert Krentz was murdered during the debate on SB 1070.  Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered near the border, and the list goes on.

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