Why Conservatives Support Frank Riggs for Arizona’s Next Governor

When all else fails, please, study the candidate’s record.  The best indicator of future performance is past performance.  Promises are meaningless without a record of performance that backs them up.

Frank Riggs has a very long principled conservative record, both in and out of office.  He has stood firmly even when his stand was unpopular, because he had considered all the facts.  His previous experience in the U.S. Congress has armed him with many facts that others don’t have.  Having served in Congress, he knows how to get things done at the federal level. 

Frank Riggs’s grasp of multiple, complex issues is impressive.  Whether it’s Common Core (Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards), Parental Rights/Educational Choice, Medicaid Expansion, Border Security, Private Property Rights, the Budget, the Right to Bear Arms, the EPA’s threat to Arizona’s economy, Arizona’s Sovereignty, Water, Forests/Forest Products, Rural Issues, the Muslim Brotherhood, etc., Frank Riggs demonstrates indepth knowledge and leadership.

He is blessed with a high intellect and is his own man.  He bristles at the idea of having any "handlers," which he neither wants or needs.  He also stands up graciously under pressure and won’t be intimidated.

There are few elected officials who have this capability.  Former Senate President Russell Pearce, who recently endorsed Frank Riggs for Governor, is one of those people.  You might remember him as the author of SB1070, which, among other citizen protections, gave Arizona’s local law enforcement officers the authority to detain and arrest an individual when the officer has probable cause to believe that person has violated federal immigration law.  

You might not know that Senator Pearce fought hard and successfully on behalf of parental rights and school choice.  You also might not know that, like Frank Rigss, Russell Pearce served honorably in law enforcement.  Click HERE to learn more about Russell Pearce’s incredible record.  

Highlights of Frank Riggs’s own Incredible Record Include:

Successful Arizona businessman and entrepreneur, and former nonprofit CEO.  He built the Charter Schools Development Corporation (CSDC) from a start-up into the largest organization in the country providing financial and real estate development services to help public charter schools acquire and build facilities.

Founding board president of Connections Academy of Arizona, the leading, on-line, statewide K-12 charter school for families who homeschool but want an accredited, tuition-free curriculum.

Army veteran.

Former police officer and deputy sheriff.

U.S. Congressman, who represented California’s 1st Congressional District in the 102nd, 104th and 105th Congresses (1991-93 and 1995-1999).  He honored his self-imposed term limit.  

Organizer of the Gang of 7 to expose the House Bank and Post Office scandals, reforming Congress and leading to the Contract With America and the Republican takeover of the House in 1994, the first Republican majority in 40 years.  The federal budget was balanced the year he left office (1998) and generated surpluses for four consecutive years thereafter until Bush 43 and the Republican Congressional majority began to grow the federal government again.

Co-author of the Congressional Accountability Act making Congress live under the laws they pass on the American people.

Co-sponsor of bills forcing Bill Clinton to sign legislation balancing the federal budget, cutting taxes, and requiring able-bodied welfare recipients to work.

Author of the Charter School Expansion Act of 1998 pushing federal education funds out of Washington to help new charter schools with their start-up needs, and legislation that would have converted the federal funding program for disadvantaged, low-income students into a voucher program.  Clinton signed Riggs’ bill in 1998, two months before Riggs and his fellow House Republicans voted to impeach him. 

Frank Riggs’s Record of Votes Earned him the Following Ratings and Awards

"A" rating and endorsement from National Right to Life.

"A" rating from the National Rifle Association.

"A" Grade from Numbers USA, for his votes to stop illegal immigration and opposition to amnesty.

"Taxpayer Hero Award" from Citizens Against Government Waste and Watchdogs of the Treasury.

“Guardian of Small Business” award from NFIB.

His Critics 

Frank Riggs was recently the subject of criticism in an anonymously written article that appeared in Sonoran Alliance.  The purpose of the Primary is to engage in vetting our own Republican candidates.  It’s a valuable service.  Some of that vetting presents facts.  Some vetting twists, misleads, and commits sins of omission.  That kind of vetting requires a response to set the record straight.  Frank Riggs did indeed set the record straight.  Click HERE for the link to his response to Anonymous.   

See Also:

Common Core Forum: Burke Basic School – Sat., August 2, 2014

Diary of a Dark Horse:  Frank Riggs Hopes to Make Waves in Arizona’s Governor’s Race

Republican Frank Riggs Enters Arizona Governor’s Race