Arizona Democrat legislators trying to repeal Arizona’s Born Alive law!

On the heels of New York’s horrific law allowing high risk abortions all the way up to birth, Arizona Democrat Raquel Teran and 16 Democrat Representatives wasted no time introducing legislation (HB2696) that would repeal Arizona’s Fetal Resuscitation Law (ARS 36-2301). 

HB2696 was introduced on Tuesday, February 12, 2018.  Click HERE to read the bill.  Notice the very last sentence that reads: Section 36-2301, Arizona Revised Statutes, is repealed.

The critical wording of ARS 36-2301 reads: If an abortion is performed and a human fetus or embryo is delivered alive, it is the duty of any physician performing such an abortion and any additional physician in attendance as required by section 36-2301.01 to see that all available means and medical skills are used to promote, preserve and maintain the life of such a fetus or embryo.  

We must take action against this attempt to allow aborted human babies born alive to die with no efforts to preserve their lives.  God knew us before he formed us in our mother’s womb. Babies are a blessing from God and made in His Image. 

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Arizona K-12 School Finance Statistics: Why does Arizona Rank #49 in Per Pupil Spending?

You’ve heard that Arizona ranks 49 in per pupil K-12 spending. On its face, it sounds disgraceful.  But that doesn’t mean it’s causal to education outcomes.  It also doesn’t mean that Arizona is stingy.  There is much more to the story.  The Arizona Tax Research Association (ATRA) has put together a 9-page document titled Arizona K-12 School Finance Statistics: Providing Context to a Complex Measurement, that provides factual information relating to the reasons and fallacies surrounding the commonly argued narrative that Arizona doesn’t fund K-12 education adequately. 


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Arizona K-12 School Finance Statistics: Why does Arizona Rank #48 in Per Pupil Spending?

You’ve heard the mantra, especially from newspaper editorials around Arizona, accusing the Legislature of "disgraceful, seemingly willful abandonment of our public schools."   (See Payson Schools facing Tough Competition.)   Arizona’s news editors don’t want you to know the "rest of the story," if it doesn’t fit their Leftist world view.  What are the facts?  

The Arizona Tax Research Association (ATRA) has put together an 8-page document titled Arizona K-12 School Finance Statistics: Providing Context to a Complex Measurement, that provides factual information relating to the reasons and fallacies surrounding the commonly argued narrative that Arizona doesn’t fund K-12 education adequately. 


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SIGN THE PETITION: Arizona Red Mountain Patriots – Monday Night, Aug. 26

The Arizona Red Mountain Patriots cordially invite you to join us this coming Monday night, August 26 at 7:00pm.  We are holding a rally for a final push into the last few of weeks of the Petition Drive against Medicaid Expansion.

Our key note speakers will include Fmr. Senator Frank Antenori, Representative Justin Olson and Representative Kelly Townsend.

The location for this event will be held at the East Valley High School, 7420 E. Main St., Mesa, Arizona  85207.

Doors open at 6:00pm to the public and the meeting starts officially at 7:00pm.  A $2.50 contribution at the door for seating is very much appreciated. 

Feel free to write or call me if you have any questions about this event. 


Randy Hatch

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Medicaid Expansion Ballot Referendum Status

Please continue gathering as many signatures as possible!  See URAPC Sites for the Final Weekend.    

Regarding the Gun Show, reports are coming in that the Governor’s office ordered the Coliseum staff to place the URAPC (anti-Medicaid Expansion aka Obamacare) petition gatherers to the north side of the Coliseum parking lot–instead of near the south side entrance where the attendees enter the gun show.  If you want to sign the URAPC petitions on Sept. 8, you’ll probably find the petition table set up on the north side of the Coliseum.  

Last Minute URAPC Petitions can be Hand Delivered to:

Rep. Carl Seel:  3-6 pm, Sunday, Sept 8; and 9am – Noon, Tuesday, Sept. 10 at the AZGOP Office, 3501 N. 24th St., Phoenix.
Mike Richards:  6-9 pm, Monday, Sept. 9 at the Arizona Red Mountain Patriots meeting, East Valley High School, 7420 E Main Street, Mesa.  A notary will be available.

URAPC Chairman Christine Bauserman is asking that petitions gatherers can help the counting effort by doing the following: 
Please take a pen and ‘x’ through any empty spots on the petitions.
Verify you put the county on the top of the petition.  This is the very last item in the wording before the wording.
Check "volunteer."
Put counties together and then group "10’s", "9’s", etc.

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ALERT: Contact AZ House to Say NO to SB1314

Please take action on the SB1314 ‘Student Data Privacy’ Bill.   As written, it is not a good Bill.  Members of the Mommy Lobby are working with House Education Committee members to get an amendment to get our 3 concerns addressed. 

Right now, we OPPOSE SB1314 as written.

SB1314 will be heard in the House Education Committee Monday, March 6 at 2pm.  Click HERE to see the agenda.  


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LaVoy Finicum – Part 1, by Senator Sylvia Allen

He was born in the back hills of Northern Arizona, hunting and riding horses with his father and siblings.  Born within him was a love for God, family and freedom.  "We need to put God first in our lives, strengthen our families, and fight to restore our freedoms."  LaVoy Finicum

This is a two-part update on the death of rancher LaVoy Finicum at the hands of the FBI and Oregon State Police.  Western ranchers had gone to Oregon in support of the Hammond family.  Their peaceful protest was labeled by law enforcement and some elected officials as domestic terrorism.  Federal statutes were used to prosecute western ranchers who were trying to bring national attention to the overreach of federal agencies in taking western ranchers’ leases.

Part I:  LaVoy Finicum

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