Please come to the Memorial Day meeting of the Rim Country Republican Club to hear a presentation byTom Morrissey, Past Chairman of the AZ GOP. The meeting will be held on May 29 at Tiny’s Restaurant, Highway 260 in Payson Arizona at 11:00 am. Mr. Morrissey’s talk will be about his experiences with the Establishment in our party when he was State Chairman and what really goes on behind closed doors, far from the eyes and ears of the grassroots and true believers.
Read moreBureaucracy
Members of the Freedom Caucus Speak Out about the AHCA’s Bait and Switch
When the House of Representatives, mostly led by members of The Freedom Caucus, recently refused to pass the American Health Care Act (AHCA), it seemed like a treasonous debacle to the American people. Even President Trump expressed his anger. Several Pro-Life groups supported the AHCA, because it would have defunded Planned Parenthood.
But, what the American people didn’t know was that the American Health Care Act would not have accomplished its primary mission and promise: Repeal and Replace ObamaCare.
The American Health Care Act was a kludge of a health-care policy. Described as a way to simultaneously repeal key elements of the Affordable Care Act and replace them with market-oriented reforms, the bill in its final form managed to do little of either. Freedom Caucus members were particularly concerned about the willingness of House leaders to leave the vast majority of Obamacare’s regulations on the books — after Republicans spent seven years promising that the party would “repeal and replace Obamacare.” Even the rationale that the AHCA would be better than nothing was hard to justify; it probably would have further destabilized the individual market, while millions fewer would have been insured. See It’s Wrong for Trump to Blame Conservatives.
Even as Obamacare continues funding Planned Parenthood, the foundation supporting abortion is weakening through other means. Since the AHCA’s defeat, President Trump has taken action to defund a UN agency that supports forced abortion. Also on March 31, Congress voted to "restore the ability of states to stop one stream of our tax dollars going to Planned Parenthood and redirect it to community health centers that provide comprehensive primary and preventive health care.” See Major Victories for Life and Bill Passes to allow states to redirect funds away from Abortion Clinics.
And, on April 7, 2017, Judge Neil Gorsuch was confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court. Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards tweeted that Gorsuch’s confirmation is "the worst" because Gorsuch has written that "the intentional taking of human life by private persons is ALWAYS wrong." See Why Justice Gorsuch will have an immediate (and big) impact on the Supreme Court.
Hear what several members of Congress, including the House Freedom Caucus, have to say about the disastrous flaws in the AHCA, and why they must be corrected.
Read moreU.S. Fish & Wildlife to Introduce Wolves into Gila, Navajo, Graham, and Coconino Counties
The following article was written by Donna Daly, a resident of Gila County. If you live in Gila, Navajo, Graham, or Coconino county, or if you have a cabin in any of these areas, or if you have a business in these counties, you need to read every sentence of Ms. Daly’s article. The deadline for comments to the U.S. Fish & Game is 10/28/2013. No hearings have been scheduled in areas where these wolves are to be released! All of the animal rights activists from across America know about it. Not us! These members of the Sierra Club and Defenders of Wildlife don’t even live in Arizona where these animals will be released. I live within 30 feet of the Tonto National Forest. I know what coyotes can do. I love all wild animals. I love wolves. It is criminal to release them in these areas, where they will be shot and killed by people protecting their families and livelihood. If the animal rights people want to preserve wolves, release them in remote areas, not near people, and especially not near children! Don’t release them where they will kill pets and livestock and ruin the economy of the towns that thrive on the recreational trade.
This is what Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, Harry Reid, and all the Democrats want! They want to grind America into the ground.
Read moreHave Arizona Teachers Received Gag Orders to Not Oppose Common Core?
Some time ago, a Wyoming school teacher revealed that she had been told by her school district that she was not allowed to speak out against Common Core.
There are many teachers in Arizona who are afraid to speak against Common Core, fearful of retaliation from their Superintendents, who could target them as first in line for a lay-off, or reassign them to an undesirable teaching position.
I’ve spoken with teachers who hate Common Core. They talk of children hating school, because of all the testing, testing, testing. Even in the first grade, there is little time for anything resembling fun. Everything is uniform, and schools, more than ever before, are turning into "test prep factories."
These teachers feel like slaves to an insufferable system that deadens the joys of teaching, and they are afraid to speak out publicly! Please send Gilbert Watch your story. I will not reveal your name! Send to
Here is the article titled A Wyoming School’s Common Core Gag Order.
The article begins "I received this email from a 6th grade teacher in Wyoming whose school placed a gag order on her regarding her opposition to the Common Core State Standards. I’m withholding her name to protect her privacy (and career)."
Here is the email from the Wyoming teacher:
Read moreBuilding the Machine: Common Core
Haven’t heard of "Common Core"? If you live anywhere in Arizona, your children are being indoctrinated with Common Core State Standards. Governor Jan Brewer recently signed Executive Order # 2013-08 which changed its name to Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards. It’s time you found out what YOUR children are learning in your local schools. By the way, the schools are 90% "on board" with it. Good teachers are helping your students learn, in spite of Common Core. You are on your own in learning the Truth about Common Core. Check out this website, for starters: Common Core: Education Without Representation.
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Mr. Trump: Tear Down This Wall!
Which wall?
The laws, rules, regulations, executive branch and federal agency proclamations and issuances, memos, guidance documents, bulletins, circulars, announcements with practical regulatory effect, “significant” agency guidance documents, and thousands of other such documents that are subject to little scrutiny or democratic accountability, and that have stifled entrepreneurship, jobs, the economy, and innovation.
That Wall. Tear it down, Mr. Trump.
Of the 10 highest-ever Federal Register regulation page counts, Obama is responsible for seven. Obama keeps breaking his own record! 77,687 (2014); 78,961 (2012); 79,311 (2013); 80,260 (2015); 81,247 (2011); 81,405 (2010).; and 91,642 (2016). That’s an Atlas-back-breaking total of over 570,000 pages. There are some "fact checkers" who quibble about number of pages versus number of regulations, blah, blah. However, the point is this: Americans are being strangled by regulations.
This is what the Regulatory Wall looked like in 2013, before Obama "hit his stride."
Read moreVA Patient Broke Back in December….Still Untreated
Mesa patriot Dan Dominey, who served in Viet Nam, was one of the veterans who has been fighting for months with the Phoenix Veterans Administration to obtain treatment. He broke his back in December. It was only after this Fox News interview that he finally got scheduled for pre-op tests and an out-patient procedure to inject his back with surgical cement.
There is a disturbing back story on the VA issue. Senator John McCain was made aware of the problems with the VA back in September 2013. It wasn’t until last month that McCain came out "fighting" for his fellow veterans, and soaking up all the TV face time in the process.
Here’s what happened. For years, whistle blower Dr. Katherine Mitchell had been notifying hospital administrators about the huge delays, inadequate triage, near misses, and a spike in suicides. Nothing was done.
In desperation, she filed a confidential complaint with the Office of Inspector General, channeled through McCain’s office. Within days after she made the complaint via McCain’s office, she was placed on administrative leave pending an investigation for "unspecified wrongdoing."
How many lives could John McCain have saved if he had acted back in September?
Read moreJared Taylor: Gilbert missed opportunity to continue course of fiscal responsibility with adoption of $466 million FY14 Budget
On June 3, 2013, the Gilbert Town Council voted 5-2 in favor of a $466 million budget for FY2014. Council Member Jared Taylor voted "NO," which earned him a "PROPER VOTE" rating from Captain Rick Atridim on Atridim News Journal’s Gilbert Council Scorecard.
Captain Rick invited Jared to present guest commentary for the ATRIDIM NEWS JOURNAL concerning his vote on this important fiscal event. Here is a quote from Council Member Taylor. Please read all of his remarks on Rick’s Guest Commentary:
"The FY14 budget’s rate of growth outpaces inflation and puts us on a path to run a deficit in 1-2 years. Any uptick in sales tax revenues will mask this for a few years, but when another downturn hits, we’ll be forced to make a decision to raise taxes or make drastic cuts again. The recommendation to follow the rate of inflation more effectively controls our spending and is more aligned with other costs hard-working taxpayers are facing day-to-day."
NOTE: Council Member Victor Petersen also voted NO.
Read moreFines & Jail Time for Keeping Chickens in Gilbert
Let’s say you keep 5 chickens in your backyard in Gilbert. Your children consider them pets and have named them Honey-Bun, Suzie, Blondie, Wanda, and Pumpkin. You consider them a source of nutritious food. Let’s say you are unfortunate enough to live in a subdivision that is zoned SF-6 or SF-7. Other people in other parts of Gilbert are allowed to have chickens. They have bigger lots. But your lot is only 6,000 or 7,000 square feet. Your chickens are illegal.
Before I go into the details of this story (having changed the names of the chickens to protect their privacy), it’s important for you to know that until 2005 when Gilbert’s Land Development was "updated," you could have legally kept your five little chickens.
Read moreSTOP these Free Market Killing ICC Building Codes in Gilbert – TOWN COUNCIL VOTES THURSDAY, 11/7/2013!
Please see Gordon Ray’s email below. Thanks to the high level of research and persistence of Gordon’s team of dedicated citizens, the Gilbert Town Council is looking at the ICC 2012 Building Codes like they never have in the past. So far the Council has hit the pause button.
Tomorrow they vote. PLEASE send an email and/or attend this meeting to speak out against adoption of these codes. This email address will reach Mayor John Lewis and all Council members: Town Hall, 50 E. Civic Center Drive, Gilbert, AZ 85296.
How can any of these codes honestly be about safety issues? Is your house still standing? Is every house in Gilbert still standing? What about all the office buildings, grocery stores, and government buildings? All were built with tons of previous codes. None were built with these proposed 2012 Codes! None of the homes and buildings built without these codes have presented any hazards. Children haven’t gotten shocked from sticking screwdrivers, paperclips, or anything else into the outlets.
Please tell the Council: Even if a code is an improvement, that improvement shouldn’t be made into a law. The improvement should be a choice between the builder and the person paying for the construction. Just because some private entities wrote those codes, forcing them on the citizenry is NOT supporting the Free market. Leave the Free market to compete on its own, without more onerous regulations.
Enough of Government Regulations at all levels! All of these monsters got their start at the local level. Kill the monster while it’s young, before it turns into the Rottweiler that runs your household.
From: Gordon Ray
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