"Red For Ed teacher strikes are not about education, they are about getting marxist candidates elected to office." Lori DeLuca
Read moreEducational Malpractice
Diane Douglas: Arizona’s Queen of Common Core
by Jennifer Reynolds, Creator of Arizonans Against Common Core and member of Mommy Lobby AZ
The second rebrand of Common Core is no more than Lipstick on a Pig. Superintendent of Public Instruction Diane Douglas continues to travel around the state in 2018 on the campaign trail telling crowds that she “Stopped Common Core” as part of her 2014 campaign promise. This is far from the truth! Common Core was Rebranded a second time on December 19, 2016 when the 2016 Arizona English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics Standards were adopted by the State Board of Education (SBE) with an 8-1 vote. See Arizona State Board Of Education Approves Rebrand Of Common Core Standards and State Board Of Education Ignores Governor, Parents And Own Policy.
SBE member Jared Taylor was the only vote opposing the adoption of these standards and he stated, “The bottom line is that I am very disappointed that we kicked the parents to the curb and ignored the will of the voters when they elected Diane Douglas. Yet she led the way today; we just renewed Common Core.”
Comments from Mommy Lobby, Arizonans Against Common Core, Opt Out AZ
IGNORED by Supt Douglas, ADE, SBE Exec Director, Gov. Ducey’s Educ. Policy Director
Mommy Lobby AZ (ML), Arizonans Against Common Core (AACC), and Opt Out AZ reviewed the 1st and 2nd drafts of the 2016 Arizona ELA and Mathematics standards and submitted our comments directly to Superintendent Diane Douglas, as well as to the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) Standards Staff, Carol Lippert and Suzi Mast; the former State Board of Education (SBE) Executive Director, Karol Schmidt; and Governor Ducey’s Education Policy Director, Dawn Wallace numerous times in 2016.
Comments Compiled by Parents and Teachers
IGNORED by Arizona Legislators, SLAPPED DOWN by Supt. Douglas
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Open Letter to Dr. Bob Branch, Clueless About K-12 Classrooms
Dear Dr. Branch,
Several parents were shocked to read your comments in the 1-18-18 briefs. It’s obvious that you don’t understand what is really going on in Arizona’s classrooms —which is very disappointing, since you are a candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction.
You have a massive misunderstanding on the recess issue. The traditional three 15-minute recess has been eliminated in most schools across the state. Many schools are down to one 10-minute recess per day, and some have no recess at all! These are not college students. They’re young children! They need to move! Studies have shown that physical activity improves academic performance. Americans are well known for their creativity and ingenuity —unlike China where academics are all that matter. We foster entrepreneurs and inventors in the USA. Recess promotes these desirable American characteristics. Recess is correlated with improved student behavior in the classroom. Recess also promotes social skills and helps kids learn how to deal with bullying —which is the opposite of giving them “comfort lamas and safe places,” as you stated.
Read moreMore Common Core Double-talk by Diane Douglas
When does “repeal and replace” not mean “repeal and replace”? When Supt. Of Public Instruction Diane Douglas says it.
Incumbent Douglas has been cranking out media releases, including taking a recent victory lap on the anniversary of the State Board of Education’s adoption of “Common Core Rebrand #2.” Her false “Common Core has been repealed and replaced” narrative has recently appeared in Frosty Taylor’s 12/20/2017 Briefs. It also appeared in the 12/19/2017 issue of the Yellow Sheet.
For the record, the Common Core Standards haven’t been repealed or replaced. At most, they’ve been “tweaked.”
Don’t be fooled by Douglas’s red herring argument when she states:
Read moreHigh Stakes Testing – Expensive, Wasteful, Ineffective Child Abuse
Hopefully, you read the letter that educational tutor Barry Jackson sent to Betsy DeVos. In it you can see the damage that is being done to our children by the Arizona State Board of Education when they, along with then Gov. Jan Brewer and Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Horne, in 2010, brought the Common Core Machine to Arizona. They did this in hopes of "winning" millions of dollars from our federal government via Race to the Top.
Since that time, Common Core has been rebranded, twice. Further, the pro-Common Core State Board has ensured that the damage continues. These people consider themselves "experts," a term that is being met with cynicism by a growing number of critically thinking people.
"Board member Jared Taylor, who has been consistent in his opposition to Common Core, was the lone “no” vote.
“The bottom line is that I am very disappointed that we kicked the parents to the curb and ignored the will of the voters when they elected Diane Douglas. Yet she led the way today; we just renewed Common Core,” stated Taylor. Arizona State Board Of Education Approves Rebrand Of Common Core Standards
If you have any doubts about the negative effects of High Stakes Testing, there are many others who agree with Barry Jackson. They also say it is counter-productive, expensive, wasteful, and it is also child abuse.
As you read some of the comments below from the real experts, both local and national,–there are thousands more that I have not quoted–please recall that the Arizona State Board of Education voted in April 2017, to make 90% of a school’s A-F grade dependent on how well their students scored on the High Stakes test, AZMerit.
Read moreTEEN VOGUE Normalizes Sodomy for Young Girls and Shows Them How to do it
Teen Vogue is an online magazine that targets teenage girls. It used to feature fashion, celebrities, and shopping. Since 2015, it began including politics (aka "Trump hatred") and current affairs (transgenderism, deviant sex, anti-Christian, anti-God). The print version reached over 1 million young people. The online version, especially now that it has sensationalized the most depraved human activites, is snagging even more teenagers, even children as young as 11. See Teen Vogue – Wikipedia.
I normally would ignore a publication like this, not wanting to give it a shred of publicity. However, parents need to know and understand the kind of information being peddled to their children via their tablets, iPads, Notebooks, Smartphones, etc.
Read moreThe First Time I Had Sex, by Tina Marie Griffin
Tina Marie Griffin writes, "I talk a lot about the first time I had sex—for a VERY important reason. The first time I had sex was on my wedding night when I was 29 years and 51 weeks old…"
This is the kind of very important article that you don’t read much anymore. That’s because Ms. Griffin’s message is about being God-Centered, not Self-Centered. It’s about respecting her body and cherishing her virginity and giving it as a gift to only one person – her husband.
Read moreMiddle School Suicides Double as Common Core Testing Intensifies
Did you happen to see this article by Steven Singer? More importantly, did PARENTS see it? Sure, school is hard. Kids complain. If they really, really complain, parents go to the teachers. Teachers reassure them. Principals and Superintendents reassure them. After all, they’re the "experts," not parents. Kids are just "softer" than when we went to school. Right?
Wrong. Something is very, very wrong.
"Here’s a high stakes testing statistic you won’t hear bandied about on the news. The suicide rate among 10- to 14-year-olds doubled between 2007 and 2014 – the same period in which states have increasingly adopted Common Core standards and new, more rigorous high stakes tests. For the first time, suicide surpassed car crashes as a leading cause of death for middle school children. In 2014, the last year for which data was available, 425 middle schoolers nationwide took their own lives."
In April 2017, the Arizona State Board of Education voted to give Arizona schools a grade of A-F, based on student AZMerit test scores. Members of the State Board of Education are "experts," too. Right?
According to Jared Taylor, with his moral compass intact, voted against this travesty. He stated:
Read moreNot in Our Schools: Stop the Planned Parenthood Invasion
Ms. Peggy McClain has been investigating and reporting on the hyper-sexualization of Arizona’s school children for several years. She has worked very hard to open the eyes of parents who find it hard to believe that their child’s school could possibly be a physically and emotionally dangerous place. Some parents sense that something is wrong, but their common sense is overridden by the assurances of the "experts," especially because they are so nice about it. Until, that is, the parent continues to express their concerns. Ms. McClain helps parents refuse to be manipulated and take charge of their children’s education. See Delphi Technique – Anyone Who Wants to be Involved in Their Child’s Education Should Understand This.
Ultimately, young women who have had an abortion know that they have ended the life of their own child. It is an agonizing fact they must live with for the rest of their lives, no matter how much Planned Parenthood and other abortionists try to dehumanize that child, even to the point of outright lying. See Abortion Facility Misleads Women, Showing Them Deceiving Depictions of Fetal Development .
Today’s young people need to know that one-third of their generation has been wiped out by abortion.
Even the schools in Arizona are trying to "normalize" promiscuity, sexual experimentation, and abortion. If your common sense tells you that this is wrong, you are right. No matter which school your child is attending, I urge you to review Ms. McClain’s blog, Not In Our Schools, which is updated frequently. You can also sign up to receive newsletters, and follow the blog on Twitter. Recent articles include:
Read moreAssistant Principal to Peaceful Protesters: “They Aren’t Children! They’re Cells! You are at a science-based school!”
In late April 2017, 16-year old Connor Haines and his sister Lauren, 19, were peacefully protesting against the holocaust of abortion, and sharing the gospel. They were legally on a public sidewalk outside of STEM Academy, Downingtown, Pennsylvania. They held signs and were calling out to students and others who were leaving the school in their vehicles.
After a few minutes, Assistant Principal Zachary Ruff approaches and tells them to get off the public sidewalk. Connor says they are there legally. Ruff again orders them to leave. Connor suggests he call the police. Connor explains they are protesting the holocaust (abortion) happening in America. Ruff tells him to leave. It becomes clear that Connor won’t back down.
In less than a minute from initially ordering Connor and Lauren to leave, Ruff tells Connor to "Go to H**L, where THEY are!" (Who’s "they"?) Aborted babies.
It gets worse.
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