Governor Jan Brewer recently vetoed SB1211, which would have given Arizona ranchers and their families some protection against the maulings and killings by Mexican wolves of their livestock. See "Arizona Governor Vetoes bill allowing ranchers to kill endangered wolves." Not only is she disinterested in the social and economic adversity caused by Mexican wolves, but she has also conceded, without a whisper of objection, that 50% of Arizona is "federal land."
Likewise, the chairman of Arizona Game and Fish, J. W. Harris, has thrown his own benefactors, the entire game and fish industry, to the wolves. See Arizona Game & Fish Expand Mexican Wolf Territory.
Both Governor Brewer and J. W. Harris have plenty of staff and research assistance, so they know that their protections of Mexican wolves are hurting Arizona families. Is the suffering of our fellow Arizonans no more than simply "taking one for the team"? Apparently, it is. It’s ok with Brewer. It’s ok with Harris. It’s also ok with every Democrat Arizona legislator, because every one of them voted against protecting their fellow Arizonans against the well documented predations of the Mexican wolf.
They know everything I’m going to show you. These pictures are gruesome. If pictures make you uncomfortable, please understand that children and their parents and friends are forced to experience this against their will, not just see pictures of it. Please note that psychologists have identified PTSD in these children in rural Arizona and New Mexico.
Please join me as we make our journey into the Arizona and New Mexico lands where the Mexican wolf is King.
Here’s a photo of one of 5 small calves lost to Mexican wolves over a period of 9 days in 2003 in New Mexico. According to the family who owned the calves, the only reason this one was found was because of the tracking collar on the wolf. Notice that, unlike most predators, wolves don’t kill, then eat. They eat living animals. Those animals scream until they finally die.
Mexican wolves were reintroduced by the federal government (USFWS) via the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in Eastern Arizona/Western New Mexico in 1998. Since that time, the wolves have gravitated to livestock and the yards of families living in that part of Arizona and NM. There is a Facebook site that relates ongoing interactions with Mexican wolves called Wolves, Cattle, and the People Who Live Between Them. If you go to this site, there is a video of Arizona Rep. Jamescita Peshlakai speaking at the 12/3/2013 showing of "Wolves in Government Clothing." Many people who attended this event testified to the adverse social and economic effects, including Steve Titla who represented the San Carlos Apache Tribe. The tribe has been devastated by the introduction of the Mexican wolves next to their reservation. Everybody thought Rep. Peshlakai would be against the Mexican wolves that were hurting rural families. We were wrong. She voted AGAINST every anti-Mexican wolf bill: HB2699, SB1211, SB1212, and SCR1006.
The following accounts represent a small fraction of the harsh realities that these rural families experience.
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