Waco Style Shoot Out Brewing in Nevada Against Cattle Rancher?

Please keep an eye on this issue!  The federal government along with radical environmentalists are willing to destroy a multiple-generation operation and steal this rancher’s cattle over an "endangered" …………….desert tortoise.

YET, just 8 months ago the government and environmentalists planned to euthanize the desert tortoises, due to budget cuts in a refuge.  See Government Plans to Euthanize hundreds of desert tortoises after budget cuts to Refuge.

The very same scenario is unfolding in Arizona, compliments of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) and radical environmentalsts who want to declare the Mexican wolf as endangered and release wolves across 15 Arizona counties. The gross economic output of the agricultural industry in the area is estimated to be $4.2 billion annually.      

Send an email to both Clark County Sheriff Douglas Gillespie (Sheriff@lvmpd.com) and Governor Brian Sandoval and tell them to stand up against the BLM and order the federal government out of Clark County and out of Nevada.   To contact Gov Sandoval, click HERE

See Also:

Last Man Standing

Armed Federal Agents and Snipers?  Nevada Rancher is Taking on the Federal Government in a Battle that is Reaching the Breaking Point

Bundy Ranch Protestors Force Feds to Stand Down: Prevent Cliven Bundy’s Son From Being Arrested

Why the Mexican wolf should not be listed as Endangered in Arizona

Stark Split Marks Meeting about Gray wolf Expansion

Wolf Opponents Hold their own Public Meeting

Woman Kills Wolf before Wolf Kills Her

Center for Biological Diversity:  Liars and Defamers

Judge Confirms $600,000 Award to Arizona Rancher in Libel Case Against Environmental Group

Got’Cha!  A Fed up Arizona Family Sues Radical Enviros for the LIES and Wins! 

Wolves Favorite food:  Live Cow Fetuses

True Purpose of Wolf Reintroduction:  Get Ranchers off Public Land Permanently and Forever 

U.S. Fish & Wildlife to Introduce Wolves into Gila, Navajo, Graham, and Coconino Counties.

Wolves in Government Clothing:  Part 1

Wolf Kills of Dogs, by Wolf Watch.

Eurasian Wolf

Wolf Returns to Europe, Kills sheep.

Gray Wolf Populations by Country