Meet and Greet for Frank Riggs, Candidate for SPI, Feb. 24, 2-4 pm

Come join Mommy Lobby AZ at an ice cream fundraiser for Frank Riggs, candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction, on February 24, 2-4 pm at Settler’s Point Greenbelt- 289 East Sagebrush Street, Gilbert, AZ 85296.  View Map

Who doesn’t like ice cream, games, and family fun when the weather is beautiful outside? Click on Meet & Greet for Frank Riggs to register, so we will have a headcount on how much ice cream to plan for. 

2018 is an Election Year! Time to tune in! Time for ice cream!

Arizona’s education system can use a major upgrade.   We are thrilled Frank Riggs is bringing his many years of experience to lead our state education system.

Please join Diane and Jared Taylor for some ice cream and to meet Frank. Other great local candidates will also attend.

Bring your family! Student and Pre-Students are welcome!

Please consider a $25 donation.  Click HERE. 

If you would like to know more about Frank Riggs, donate to the campaign, or sign his petition directly, please visit his website Frank Riggs for Superintendent of Public Instruction. 

Paid for by Jared and Diane Taylor.


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Arizona K-12 School Finance Statistics: Why does Arizona Rank #49 in Per Pupil Spending?

You’ve heard that Arizona ranks 49 in per pupil K-12 spending. On its face, it sounds disgraceful.  But that doesn’t mean it’s causal to education outcomes.  It also doesn’t mean that Arizona is stingy.  There is much more to the story.  The Arizona Tax Research Association (ATRA) has put together a 9-page document titled Arizona K-12 School Finance Statistics: Providing Context to a Complex Measurement, that provides factual information relating to the reasons and fallacies surrounding the commonly argued narrative that Arizona doesn’t fund K-12 education adequately. 


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Claims About Frank Riggs’ “Environmental Record” Are Flatly Wrong and Very Misleading

At a recent Legislative District meeting, an opponent of Frank Riggs, who is also running for Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction, asserted that two bills co-sponsored by former Congressman Riggs "…crippled the logging industry" and "crippled the fishing industry."  The fact is that Congressman Riggs did exactly the opposite!  His bills helped those industries!  He was one of the strongest supporters in Congress of the resource-based industries and private property rights.  Because of his opposition to the extreme environmental movement, eco-terrorists targeted Riggs and even rampaged through his office vandalizing it and dragging in a tree stump and chaining themselves to it.

Here is the Truth, as stated by Candidate Riggs: 

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Frank Riggs to Speak October 21 in Globe

Please plan on attending the Saturday, October 21 meeting of the Cobre Valley Republican Club.  The featured guest speaker is Frank Riggs, candidate for Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction.  The meeting begins at 9:30 am at 424 N. Broad Street in Globe, Arizona.  Everyone is welcome!

Frank Riggs has served country and community as an Army veteran and former police officer.  An education leader who gets results, he’s been called “the most qualified candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction in Arizona History.”  

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TEEN VOGUE Normalizes Sodomy for Young Girls and Shows Them How to do it

Teen Vogue is an online magazine that targets teenage girls.  It used to feature fashion, celebrities, and shopping.  Since 2015, it began including politics (aka "Trump hatred") and current affairs (transgenderism, deviant sex, anti-Christian, anti-God).  The print version reached over 1 million young people.  The online version, especially now that it has sensationalized the most depraved human activites, is snagging even more teenagers, even children as young as 11.  See Teen Vogue – Wikipedia. 

I normally would ignore a publication like this, not wanting to give it a shred of publicity.  However, parents need to know and understand the kind of information being peddled to their children via their tablets, iPads, Notebooks, Smartphones, etc.

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Arizona K-12 School Finance Statistics: Why does Arizona Rank #48 in Per Pupil Spending?

You’ve heard the mantra, especially from newspaper editorials around Arizona, accusing the Legislature of "disgraceful, seemingly willful abandonment of our public schools."   (See Payson Schools facing Tough Competition.)   Arizona’s news editors don’t want you to know the "rest of the story," if it doesn’t fit their Leftist world view.  What are the facts?  

The Arizona Tax Research Association (ATRA) has put together an 8-page document titled Arizona K-12 School Finance Statistics: Providing Context to a Complex Measurement, that provides factual information relating to the reasons and fallacies surrounding the commonly argued narrative that Arizona doesn’t fund K-12 education adequately. 


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