Frank Riggs to Speak October 21 in Globe

Please plan on attending the Saturday, October 21 meeting of the Cobre Valley Republican Club.  The featured guest speaker is Frank Riggs, candidate for Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction.  The meeting begins at 9:30 am at 424 N. Broad Street in Globe, Arizona.  Everyone is welcome!

Frank Riggs has served country and community as an Army veteran and former police officer.  An education leader who gets results, he’s been called “the most qualified candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction in Arizona History.”  

Frank has been a school board president and charter school president.  He is passionate about ensuring that every student receives a high quality education. He has promised to advocate and work tirelessly to help all Arizona children  reach their full, God-given potential, so they can contribute to a healthy, moral, and productive society. 

After a successful career in business, Mr. Riggs was elected a U.S. Congressman in 1990 and went on to chair the House of Representatives’ Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary and Secondary Education.  In that capacity, he authored the federal charter school law – the Charter School Expansion Act of 1998 – to provide start-up grants to new charter schools.  He was also National Head Start Legislator of the Year and recognized by the Association of Special Education Administrators for his dedication to children with disabilities.  The conservative Heritage Foundation said, "Representative Riggs spearheaded many cutting edge initiatives like school choice and charter schools."  

After leaving Congress, keeping his term limits promise, he helped build and became CEO of a national nonprofit organization and Community Development Financial Institution devoted to helping charter schools with low-income student populations with their facility financing and development needs.  In 2011, the organization under Riggs’ leadership won the Wachovia-Wells Fargo Bank NEXT Award for "Demonstrated Excellence in Financing."

Frank and his wife of 37 years, Cathy, live in Scottsdale and have three married adult children and five wonderful grandkids.  Frank attended St. Mary’s College of California and graduated summa cum laude from Golden Gate University in San Francisco in 1980.  He received the University’s "Associates Award" as the Outstanding Graduate in the College of Business and Public Administration.  Frank is a certified substitute teacher and states, “Teaching 7th Grade History this past school year is one of the hardest jobs I’ve ever had!”  

See Also:

Frank Riggs Record of Leadership 

Legislation Co-Authored by Frank Riggs might help to Overturn Onerous Education Regulations

As you might know, the Congressional Review Act which Rep. Riggs co-authored/sponsored has been used by the Trump Administration and the current Congress (under a Resolution of Disapproval) to repeal 14 major regulations enacted in the last 90 days of the Obama Administration (including the latest regulations under the Every Student Succeeds Act, aka the Elementary and Secondary Education Act).

Diane Douglas Underwater; Frank Riggs Swimming to the Top

Frank Riggs for Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction

Riggs’ Congressional Record on education issues   

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