Arizona K-12 School Finance Statistics: Why does Arizona Rank #48 in Per Pupil Spending?

You’ve heard the mantra, especially from newspaper editorials around Arizona, accusing the Legislature of "disgraceful, seemingly willful abandonment of our public schools."   (See Payson Schools facing Tough Competition.)   Arizona’s news editors don’t want you to know the "rest of the story," if it doesn’t fit their Leftist world view.  What are the facts?  

The Arizona Tax Research Association (ATRA) has put together an 8-page document titled Arizona K-12 School Finance Statistics: Providing Context to a Complex Measurement, that provides factual information relating to the reasons and fallacies surrounding the commonly argued narrative that Arizona doesn’t fund K-12 education adequately. 


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Tom Morrissey to Speak at Rim Country Republican Club – 5/29/17

Please come to the Memorial Day meeting of the Rim Country Republican Club to hear a presentation byTom Morrissey, Past Chairman of the AZ GOP.   The meeting will be held on May 29 at Tiny’s Restaurant, Highway 260 in Payson Arizona at 11:00 am. Mr. Morrissey’s talk will be about his experiences with the Establishment in our party when he was State Chairman and what really goes on behind closed doors, far from the eyes and ears of the grassroots and true believers. 

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LaVoy Finicum – Part 1, by Senator Sylvia Allen

He was born in the back hills of Northern Arizona, hunting and riding horses with his father and siblings.  Born within him was a love for God, family and freedom.  "We need to put God first in our lives, strengthen our families, and fight to restore our freedoms."  LaVoy Finicum

This is a two-part update on the death of rancher LaVoy Finicum at the hands of the FBI and Oregon State Police.  Western ranchers had gone to Oregon in support of the Hammond family.  Their peaceful protest was labeled by law enforcement and some elected officials as domestic terrorism.  Federal statutes were used to prosecute western ranchers who were trying to bring national attention to the overreach of federal agencies in taking western ranchers’ leases.

Part I:  LaVoy Finicum

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Who is the Leftist? Who is the Liberal?

Please stop referring to Leftist Democrats as Liberals.  They are not Liberals.  Leftist Democrats have so perverted the language that it is too late for Conservatives to be identified as who we truly are—Classic Liberals.  However, it is not too late to call the Democrats what they are:  Leftists.  If Democrats don’t like that label, they need to look at their elected representatives’ voting records.  Start with Barack Obama and move down the food chain.   Don’t like it?  Then change your party affiliation.

Leftists fraudulently call themselves Liberals, because they like to think of themselves as noble, broad-minded, unprejudiced, and kind.  They think they defend the weak against the powerful.  They “care.”  The Truth is their policies are exactly the opposite.

But let’s look at two definitions.  Then, YOU decide who is the Leftist and who is the Liberal.

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Rigging the Election – Video I: Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence at Trump Rallies

Go to 10:20 to hear Zulema Rodriguez brag about shutting down the highway leading to the FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA Trump rally. Luke Johnson was on his way to church nearby and within seconds, he was caught, unable to move his work truck and trailer.  A huge group of people ran into the road, and he couldn’t get across. He had no idea what was going on.  Then, he started getting dozens of calls threatening his life. “People saying they were going to hunt my business down and find me and come after me and destroy my business.” It turns out people had seen his work trailer live on CNN and assumed he was part of the protest even though he wasn’t. 

Rodriguez also admits to inciting violence in Chicago, forcing Trump to cancel it for fear that people might get hurt.  Thanks Project Veritas (James O’Keefe), doing the job the media refuses to do.  

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BREXIT: Independence Day, Bill Whittle

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation….And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor." The 56 Representatives of the United States of America who signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 

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