See Also: Raheel Raza – The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Demographics Obama Invites 18.7 Million Immigrants to Avoid Oath of Allegiance, Pledge to Defend America Loretta Lynch: ‘Islam,’ ‘ISIS’ to be Scrubbed from Orlando 911 Tapes
Read moreMedia Malpractice
Raheel Raza – The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Demographics
Why would Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Loretta Lynch, and others drastically downplay the serious threat that Radical, even "Moderate," Muslims are to Americans? Do they, too, hate Americans?
Read moreNew Poll: John McCain is the Least Popular Senator in America
According to a new poll published by Public Policy Polling, Arizona Senator John McCain is the least popular Senator in America. Here is their brutal analysis:
PPP’s newest Arizona poll finds that John McCain is unpopular with Republicans, Democrats, and independents alike and has now become the least popular Senator in the country. Only 30% of Arizonans approve of the job McCain is doing to 54% who disapprove. There isn’t much variability in his numbers by party- he’s at 35/55 with Republicans, 29/53 with Democrats, and 25/55 with independents.
McCain trails in hypothetical general election match ups with both 2012 nominee Richard Carmona (41/35) and former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords (42/35). He would lead though in a match-up with former Governor Janet Napolitano, 44/36. This has the potential to be an interesting one in 2016.
According to the Universal Free Press:
Read moreTown Council – 1/17/2013 – Liquor – Zoning – Unions – Budget
New Councilmember Jared Taylor stated that he will be voting against approval of almost all liquor licenses presented to the Council. He advised that he is not in favor of prohibition, but rather temperance. He campaigned on behalf of both business and families, and he cited statistics relating to the DUI arrests in Gilbert in addition to the fact that someone is killed every 53 minutes at the hands of a drunk driver.
This isn’t the only cost. There is a cost to families when a family member drinks to excess. Alcohol plays a significant role in domestic violence and divorce.
Many innocent children die every year at the hands of drunk drivers. They also die due to domestic violence. Those must be “acceptable” deaths, because Obama hasn’t uttered a word, and the malpracticing media doesn’t keep a body count.
It is of no interest to reporter Parker Leavitt, for example, who has been generous in slamming Councilmember Petersen and now Councilmember Taylor for their "extremist" views, such as standing up for the U.S. Constitution and for private property rights. Don’t ALL councilmembers, including the Mayor, take the same Oath to protect and defend the Constitution? Some of those councilmembers get downright "testy" at the mention of the word "Founders."
Read moreDonald Trump: Make America Great Again
See Also: Dr. Ben Carson and President Thomas Jefferson call for unity WE MUST UNIFY IF YOU LOVE THIS REPUBLIC, by Russell Pearce Donald Trump: One-Man-Wrecking Ball Suited for our Times Trump to the GOP: Lead, Follow,
Read moreDonald Trump: One-Man-Wrecking Ball Suited for our Times
I didn’t vote for Trump. But I agree with former Senate President Russell Pearce, Treasurer Jeff DeWit, conservative activist Sandi Bartlett, and a host of others that we must rally behind Trump as our next President. His detractors say he’s flip-flopped on issues. He isn’t a "true" conservative. He’s uncouth, narcissistic, and unrefined. All of that may be true. They say he’s racist. He’s sexist. I don’t believe that. But why is he so popular with the American people? This article addresses that question, and explores another one: Is it possible, as asked by Australian Pastor Steve Cioccolanti , that the Hand of God is on Donald Trump, "for such a time as this"? If so, it won’t be the first time that God has used the most unlikely of men for His Purpose.
As to Donald Trump’s popularity, Scott S. Powell believes that Trump possesses "qualities that are among those most vital to rebuilding relations with America’s allies and restoring respect — even fear — from adversaries. Mr. Trump’s directness also suggests he is the best-suited presidential candidate to take on America’s insolvency. He could be the president who corrects the nation’s out-of-control spending, deficits and unsustainable debt. Trump’s toughness may be the key virtue needed to rule in a divided country and to successfully downsize and restructure federal agencies and get Washington out of the way of the American economy and its people."
America: The Unprotected and the Suicidal
Russell Pearce has taken a stand to support Donald Trump, and I agree with him. Please read what he has to say:
As former President of the Arizona Senate, as former Chief Deputy to Sheriff Joe, as former 1st Vice Chair of the Arizona Republican Party and as a consistent Constitutional defender of our Founders Constitution, as Tea Party Patriot, I stand with the majority of Arizona Republicans and America in standing with Donald Trump.
Read moreThe Economic Impact of the Super Bowl
If you listen to the Super Bowl Hype-a-Thon, big business interests, and the media, you would believe that everybody in Arizona will receive a huge economic boost from hosting the Super Bowl in 2015. If Governor Brewer hadn’t vetoed SB1062, the Super Bowl wouldn’t come to Arizona!!! (The articles on this disaster are easy to google.)
Pearl-clutching gasp!
Well, what about that "economic boost"? I for one have some questions. For example, how much has it cost the taxpayers to build the Stadium that meets the requirements of the NFL? How much will it cost the taxpayers to refurbish it? How much will the taxpayers pay for additional police and fire protection? Street maintenance? Advertising?
Did you know that SRP wasted $1 million of their customers’ money on a Super Bowl advertising campaign that did nothing to improve energy efficiency or serve its ratepayers? Also, SRP isn’t in competition with other utilities and doesn’t even need to self-promote at the Super Bowl. Stated Diane Brown, executive director of the Public Interest Research Group (PIRG), "When SRP promotes the Super Bowl, the arts or human services, no matter how valiant the program, the correlation to the purpose of providing electricy and water fails to exist and ratepayers are left with a tab they didn’t order."
What about all those economic benefits?
According a Sports Illustrated article titled "There is no Blip: Super Bowl could be Super Bust for host cities, study finds":
"A look at six Super Bowls dating to 1979 — three in Miami, two in Tampa, one in Phoenix — found no increase in sales revenue over previous years without the big game, said Philip Porter, author of the study.
"One reason may be that the estimated 140,000 fans who attend Super Bowl events in tourist-oriented Florida, Arizona or California displace the usual visitors from colder regions, he said.
"’There ought to be a spike that sticks up like a sore thumb," said Porter, an economics professor at the University of South Florida at Tampa. "It doesn’t exist. There is no blip. You don’t find anything.’"
"We are being suckered," Porter said. "People who want us to do something for them are selling us snake oil."
That was then. What about now? Take a look at this January 2014 article "It’s the Local Economy, Stupid"
On one side, you have the NFL. Last week, the league, as part of its non-stop hype-a-thon for the First Super Bowl Outdoors In Cold Weather Isn’t Snow Just Romantic?, reported that the New York/New Jersey economy would see a $600 million boost as a result of Super Bowl spending. "Thanks to the Super Bowl, we’re seeing more hotel rooms booked and restaurant tables reserved and even more excitement than usual for this time of year," U.S. Rep Carolyn Maloney told reporters.
On the other, you have the nation’s sports economists, who say the actual number is a fair bit lower. Like, maybe, zero. "There still remains no ex post evidence of an economic impact," says University of South Florida professor Philip Porter, almost audibly sighing over email since, as someone who’s been studying this topic for more than a decade, he gets the same question every year at this time. "Super Bowl attendees simply don’t buy much that the local economy sells."
One of the researchers quoted in the above article was Victor Matheson. The abstract from his indepth study titled Economics of the Super Bowl states:
Read moreThe Truth about SB1062
SB1062 was not a "controversial" bill. Nor did it "affirm the right to discriminate." It was not "broadly worded." As for those "unintended negative consequences" that Governor Brewer stated in her veto, those are the consequences of standing up for religious liberty and the freedom to associate. Are those worth fighting for? Apparently not.
What Governor Brewer, many Republican legislators, and candidates for Governor revealed was their total ignorance about the so-called "economic benefits" of bringing the Super Bowl to Arizona, and their spinelessness when faced with a mob. Some of those candidates for Governor are really ferocious, so they tell me.
As stated by Ilya Shapiro in the Cato Institute article titled For Marriage Equality, Religious Liberty, and the Freedom of Association:
"SB 1062 does nothing more than align state law with the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act (which passed the House unanimously, the Senate 97-3, and was signed by President Clinton in 1993). That is, no government action can “substantially burden” religious exercise unless the government uses “the least restrictive means” to further a “compelling interest.” This doesn’t mean that people can “do whatever they want” – laws against murder would still trump religious human sacrifice – but it would prevent the government from forcing people to violate their religion if that can at all be avoided. Moreover, there’s no mention of sexual orientation (or any other class or category).
Read moreEighth Undercover Video: Planned Parenthood Baby Parts Buyer StemExpress Wants “Another 50 Livers/Week”
This is the video that Judge William Orrick III blocked. His injunction was overturned by Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Joanne O’Donnell, who ruled that the Center for Medical Progress has First Amendment rights to release videos it covertly took of StemExpress executives talking about buying aborted baby tissue from Planned Parenthood. If you have watched all 7 undercover videos, then you won’t be surprised by the callous disregard that the "champions" in the baby body parts industry display toward God’s most helpless and vulnerable human beings. So it is with Cate Dyer, CEO of StemExpress, LLC, who states that StemExpress gets “a lot” of intact fetuses and calls Planned Parenthood baby parts supply a "volume institution."
In her fight against Planned Parenthood, Ms. Christine Accurso, Executive Director of First Way Pregnancy Center, Phoenix asks for our help!
"The 8th video has now been released. Planned Parenthood & Stem Express should be shut down immediately. This is clearly the sale of fetal tissue and it is against federal law. In the past 48 hours I have met 6 people who have not heard anything about these videos and what is going on in our country. I also read that 70% of the U.S. population has still not heard about this atrocity. The main stream media is not covering it so it is up to you and me to spread the news."
Read more