The Gang of 8’s Disgusting Amnesty SB744

Sandi Bartlett has provided Gilbert Watch with some little known provisions in SB 744.  This is the so-called Immigration Reform bill that was passed by the U.S. Senate.  As you read the 14 reasons why this bill is a bad idea, followed by the massive amount of pork spending that is included in it, remember that both of Arizona’s United States Senators — Republicans John McCain and Jeff Flake–were two of the architects of this bill.  Did they think that nobody would bother to read it?

Did you know that the Republican Platform clearly states that we believe "it is the duty of the federal and state government to protect our citizens by securing our borders, including: 1) Completing the border fence without delay; 2) Preventing illegal drugs and weapons from being smuggled into our country; 3) Increasing the number of Border Patrol agents on Arizona’s border; 4) Protecting our children and schools from the drugs and weapons flowing over the border."  See We Are Republicans!    

Top Reasons Why S. 744 is a bad idea

1.       Does not require any additional border fencing or the completion of our current border fencing requirements.  Only requires the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to submit to Congress a strategy of recommendations for additional necessary fencing.

2.       Does not end the abuse of prosecutorial discretion by DHS and the administration.  It directs immigration agents to release illegal aliens deemed low priority.

3.       Authorizes DHS to waive unlawful behavior when determining admissibility of undocumented immigrants, including:  gang membership, three or more DUIs, domestic violence, child abuse, crimes of moral turpitude, drug law violations, passport trafficking, providing fraudulent immigration services, prostitution, visa violations, and all other violations not specifically listed in the bill.

4.       Allows DHS to grant legal status in 6 months, prior to any measures to secure the border.

5.       Voids state and local E-verify laws.

6.       Prohibits immigration enforcement actions in ‘sensitive areas’ including: hospitals, schools, churches, and certain organizations.

7.       Does not provide for punishment of undocumented immigrants who make false statements in a registered provisional immigrant application.  Yet it creates criminal penalties and a fine up to $10,000 for federal officials who disclose information found on an application.

8.       Does not require the deportation of a single undocumented immigrant.  DHS is not explicitly required to deport an immigrant whose RPI application is denied.

9.       Allows Secretary of DHS to exercise discretion to waive a ground of inadmissibility or deportability if the Secretary deems it to be against the public interest or a hardship to the family of the deportable individual.

10.   Allows undocumented immigrants to bring class action lawsuits against the government for denial of RPI status.

11.   Requires DHS to waive the public charge law when determining which immigrants are eligible for legal status.

12.   Excludes three-time DUI offenders from a path to citizenship, but two-time drunk drivers would be acceptable.

13.  Requires that passport forgers would no longer be prosecuted for making a single fake travel document, with the bar being set at three.

14.  Requires that document counterfeiters whose materials are used to obtain passports would only be jailed if they contributed to at least 10 phony passports.

15.  This bill will put border security and border agents under the control of the Office of Civil Rights of the Department of Justice. There is funding for sensitivity training of our agents to ensure they don’t ask hard questions of border jumpers. Just one example, the bill suggests agents be ordered not to ask for documentation. 

Pork spending in the Senate immigration bill S.744

Ø  $300 Million for La Raza and other liberal immigrants’ rights groups, which the federal government would contract to assist future U.S. citizens with applications and offer them legal advice.

Ø  Schumer (NY). As introduced, S. 744 carves-out 10,500 visas annually for unskilled Irish workers under a new E-3 nonimmigrant visa program. NY has a large Irish population(Sec. 4403, p. 974)

Ø  Graham (SC). As introduced, S. 744 guarantees the meat packing industry—under the animal production subsectors classification—an additional 10% percent allocation of W-nonagricultural visas on top of the yearly cap and exempts this guarantee from any future reduction in visas. The meat packing industry is one of the largest industries in South Carolina. (Sec. 4703(h), p. 1085)

Ø  Leahy (VT) and Bennet (CO). As introduced, S. 744 allows ski and snowboard instructors to enter the U.S. under the 5-year nonimmigrant visa program professional athletes and performing artists use rather than the 10-month nonimmigrant visa program for seasonal workers under current law. (Sec. 4601, p. 1027)

Ø  Rubio (FL). As introduced, S. 744 creates a new nonimmigrant Z visa to admit individuals who possess “specialized knowledge” to perform maintenance on airlines and cruise ships. (Sec. 4606, p. 1034) S. 744 also creates a two year grant program for individuals living along the Southern border “at greater risk of border violence” to purchase satellite telephones that can access 9-1-1 and are GPS equipped. (Sec. 1107, p. 83) TracPhone, a Florida-based company, makes these phones and S. 744 appropriates “such sums as may be necessary” to fund the grant program.

Ø  Murkowski (AK) and Begich (AK).  This carve-out to secure the votes of Alaska Senators Lisa Murkowski (R) and Mark Begich (D) classifies seafood processing positions in Alaska as “shortage occupations,” thus allowing the industry to bring in more cheap foreign labor to do those jobs. (Sec. 4701(d)(4), p. 1043) It also allows employers to bring in non-immigrants under a summer program to work in seafood processing positions. (Sec. 4408, p. 982)

Ø  Collins (ME) and Tester (MT). This carve-out for Sens. Susan Collins (R-ME) and Jon Tester (D-MT) eliminates a requirement that at least 90% of funding for a law-enforcement program along U.S. borders be devoted to the southwest border, freeing up more money for Northern border states. (Sec. 1104, p. 73)

Ø  Sanders (VT). This carve-out for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) creates a slush “Youth Jobs Fund” for FY 2014-2015 using $1.5 billion from the U.S. Treasury.  Until the kickback, Sen. Sanders was an outspoken critic of the bill for taking jobs away from Americans. He has since been silent. (Title V, p. 1169)

Ø  Kirk (IL). This carve-out to gain Sen. Mark Kirk’s (R-IL) support allows a person who has served in the military and received an honorable discharge and certain combat medals to become a citizen without meeting key naturalization criteria under current law. This includes waiving the requirement an alien understand the English language, waiving the requirement the alien has knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of the history and of the principles and form of the U.S. government, and waiving the requirement an alien is of good moral character. (Sec. 2555, p. 502)

Ø  Heller (NV). Tucked away in the Corker-Hoeven (“Border Surge”) amendment is a kickback for Las Vegas hotel and casino chains. The provision at hand permanently authorizes $100,000,000 in annual funding to certain parts of the country to promote tourism under the Travel Promotion Fund, posing a win for Nevada Senators Dean Heller and Harry Reid. (Sec. 1102(f), p. 66)

Ø  Hatch (UT). In addition to the H-1B deal Sen. Hatch brokered during committee negotiations, Sen. Hatch got another carve-out on the Senate floor.  In the massive Corker-Hoeven amendment was language by Sen. Hatch that would preclude Social Security credits for unauthorized work. However, like so many other provisions in the bill, Hatch’s includes an exception that swallows the rule by allowing an alien to merely attest that he or she was authorized to work, opening the door for fraud and handouts. (Sec. 2107(d), p. 218)

Ø  Schumer (NY). Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) obtained a carve-out to allow public universities to fire U.S. workers and replace them with H-1B nonimmigrants. (Sec. 4211(d), p. 918) The deal also exempts nonprofit education and research institutions from the higher fees and stricter requirements imposed on employers that heavily rely on H-1B workers. (Sec. 4211(f), p. 919)

Ø  Leahy (VT).  Senate Judiciary Chairman Pat Leahy (D-VT) obtained a carve-out to grant special treatment to Hollywood by waiving fees for artist O and P visas if applications are not processed within 14 days. (Sec. 4416, p. 995)

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Grassroots Americans from across the political spectrum will march in Washington, D.C., from Freedom Plaza to Capitol Hill on Monday from 9:30 AM until the early afternoon.

You can watch this event right now!  NOTE:  The Breitbart link in the article below is not working.  Go here to watch:  DC March for Jobs.  

Breitbart News will be broadcasting the event live online at, (WATCH HERE) starting when speeches from members of Congress and leaders in the activist community begin on Capitol Hill at 11 AM EDT and continuing until 4 PM EDT.

Confirmed speakers at the event include Sens. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) and Ted Cruz (R-TX), Reps. Steve King (R-IA) and Mo Brooks (R-AL), former Florida Republican Congressman Col. Allen West, conservative activist Wayne Dupree, the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, the Rev. O’Neal Dozier, Bishop Felton Smith, retired federal immigration agent Michael Cutler, documentary filmmaker Dennis Michael Lynch, Tea Party Community co-founder Ken Crow, ConservativeMESSENGER’s K. Carl Smith,’s Kevin Jackson, Louisiana State Sen. Elbert Guillory who left the Democrat Party in May 2013, the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s former executive director Frank Morris, political analyst Katrina Pierson and BALA founder and Progressives for Immigration Reform executive director Leah Durant.

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John McCain: The Collaborator

Seeing Red Arizona recently posted Unprincipled McCain Admits Deception to Unionists, proving once again what we all know.  John McCain is an unprincipled deceiver, who collaborates with the enemy on a regular basis.  Remember when he told Americans during his campaign that we have "nothing to fear from an Obama Presidency"?  

Here are a few snippets from the Seeing Red AZ post:  

"John McMaverick, the driving force behind the Gang of 8, partnered with Democrats and squish Republicans to push an amnesty bill through the Senate. In his zeal to advance it, he even voted for an amendment that would spend $46 billion on new border security measures, while doubling the size of the Border Patrol. Now he says that ‘could be adjusted.’"

“I’ll give you a little straight talk,” the forked-tongued one told attendees at an AFL-CIO immigration forum on Tuesday. “We don’t need 20,000 additional border patrol agents,” calling a path to citizenship “a fundamental element.” Singling out border security parts as an example, he said, “The rest of it could be adjusted.”

“I voted for it so friends of mine would have comfort that we are securing the border,” McCain cunningly admitted. “But the real securing of the border is with technology as opposed to individuals.”


Here is a related article published by the AFL/CIO:  McCain:  Path to Citizenship Must be Fundamental Element of Immigration Reform.  

John McCain does not represent the Republican Party or Platform.  See We Are Republicans!

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Reminder: How Mexico Treats Illegal Aliens

Not too long ago, Michelle Malkin wrote an article titled Reminder: How Mexico Treats Undesirable Foreigners.   It’s important to remember these facts as we are lectured by the Leftists on our "despicable" behavior toward 11 million people who are living in the United States of America illegally, obtaining many free taxpayer-paid services.

Here are few quotes from that article:

"Mexicans shall have priority over foreigners, under equal circumstances, for all kind of concessions, employments, positions or commissions of the government in which the status of citizenship is not indispensable.”

"While amnesty advocates and civil liberties zealots in the U.S. decry “police state” tactics against illegal aliens, Mexico fiercely maintains laws against illegal border crossings; “verification visits” to enforce visa conditions; requirements that foreigners produce proof of legal status on demand; and enforcement and cooperation between and among immigration officials and law enforcement authorities at all levels in Mexico. Native-born Mexicans are also empowered to make citizens arrests of illegal aliens and turn them in to authorities.

"Mexico’s National Catalog of Foreigners tracks all outside tourists and foreign nationals. A National Population Registry tracks and verifies the identity of every member of the population, who must carry a citizens identity card. Visitors who do not possess proper documents and identification are subject to arrest at any time. And for those seeking permanent residency or naturalization, Mexico requires that they must not be economic burdens on society and must have clean criminal histories. Those seeking to obtain Mexican citizenship must show a birth certificate, provide a bank statement proving economic independence, pass an exam and prove they can provide their own health care."

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Senator Flake Calls for Last-minute 6/26 Telephone Town Hall – Then Cancels at the Last Minute

At 9:45 pm on June 25, an urgent email notification was sent out stating: 

"Senator Jeff Flake would like to invite you to participate in a conference call on Wednesday, 6/26, at 7:00 am AZ time.  The Senator would like to discuss the immigration reform bill being voted on in the Senate this week." 

Constituents who called were on hold for about 12 minutes, then disconnected.  Then, they learned that the "conference call" had been cancelled.

I didn’t know you could smell tar and feathers through the phone.  

By the way, there is a Recall effort underway of both Senator Jeff Flake and John McCain.  Arizona Voters Move to Recall Flake and McCain…It’s PAYBACK Time.

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King McCain and King Flake to Hold Immigration Meeting: Tickets NOT Available to the King’s Subjects

Take a look at how structured the two Kings have made this "town hall."  One hour.  "Limited seating."  Tickets not available to the public.  That Center holds at least 550 people.  Do you think the "news" media will report on the subjects/taxpayers who will be protesting outside?  Hint:  Bring your own video recorders!

As reported by Frosty Taylor ( in her MCRC Briefs: 

A  One-Hour “Conversation On Immigration With Sen. John McCain And Sen Jeff Flake" is scheduled between 10-11 am, Tuesday, Aug 27 at the Mesa Art Center. Limited seating, tickets not available to the public. View:    Sponsored by the TheArizona Republic, 12 News, and USA Today.

A Rally Against The “Gang Of 8” Amnesty Bill from 9-11 am,  Aug 27 outside the McCain/Flake Town Hall at the Mesa Arts Center, Mesa (Main and Center). The actual mtg is scheduled from 10-11 am.  Protestors to set outside surrounding the entire facility with “NO AMNESTY” signs from 7:30 am until noon.  Participants are asked to bring water and an umbrella/hat/sunscreen, etc. Organized by Riders United For A Sovereign America.  RSVP:

See what McCain and Flake do NOT want the public to see.   The Gang of 8’s Disgusting Amnesty Bill.  

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Gila County Republican Party Votes to Censure Senator McCain

Contact:Gary P. Morris, Chairman, Gila County Republican Party 602-803-7366

For the second time since 2013, the Gila County Republican Party has censured Senator John McCain for his lack of adherence to Republican principles and the desires of his Republican constituents in Gila County. The censure from the May 14 Precinct Committeemen meeting states the Gila County Republican Party cannot, and will not, support Senator McCain in the upcoming elections.

In early fall of 2013, The Gila County Republican Party first censured Senator McCain for abandoning Republican principles as well as his participation and leadership in the "Gang of Eight" along with the Senator’s conscious and arrogant abandonment of the desires of his Republican constituents. Those eight senators drafted a poorly designed, ill thought out, "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" bill. Ultimately, Congress rejected the bill following substantial opposition from the public.

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Arizona Rep Bob Thorpe Calls for Delegation to Reject Immigration Plan

On June 21, Arizona Representative Bob Thorpe (R-Dist. 6) sent a letter to Arizona’s Congressional Delegation asking them to withhold support for the Senate “Gang of 8” immigration bill. In the letter, sent to U.S. Senators John McCain & Jeff Flake as well as Congressmen Paul Gosar (R-Dist. 4), Matt Salmon (R-Dist. 5), David Schweikert (R-Dist. 6) and Trent Franks (R-Dist. 8) he stated,

“I am writing on behalf of the citizens of the Great and Sovereign State of Arizona to strongly urge you to vote against the one thousand plus page immigration bill currently being considered in the United States Senate.

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