On the heels of New York’s horrific law allowing high risk abortions all the way up to birth, Arizona Democrat Raquel Teran and 16 Democrat Representatives wasted no time introducing legislation (HB2696) that would repeal Arizona’s Fetal Resuscitation Law (ARS 36-2301).
HB2696 was introduced on Tuesday, February 12, 2018. Click HERE to read the bill. Notice the very last sentence that reads: Section 36-2301, Arizona Revised Statutes, is repealed.
The critical wording of ARS 36-2301 reads: If an abortion is performed and a human fetus or embryo is delivered alive, it is the duty of any physician performing such an abortion and any additional physician in attendance as required by section 36-2301.01 to see that all available means and medical skills are used to promote, preserve and maintain the life of such a fetus or embryo.
We must take action against this attempt to allow aborted human babies born alive to die with no efforts to preserve their lives. God knew us before he formed us in our mother’s womb. Babies are a blessing from God and made in His Image.
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you
Jeremiah 1:5
I am your Creator, You were in My care even before you were born
Isaiah 44:2
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Psalm 139:13-14
Truly, it is evil, cold, and heartless to do nothing to save these innocent babies’ lives, and to let them die slowly and painfully, gasping for breath and life.
Contact your Representatives to let them know that you are strongly opposed to HB2696, which repeals ARS 36-2301, Arizona’s Born Alive legislation. It is an inhuman assault on innocent babies. Please vote NO. You can find your Representatives HERE, along with their phone numbers and email addresses.
For your convenience, here are the names and email addresses of the Democrat Representatives who introduced HB2696. You can find their phone numbers HERE.
Primary Sponsor: Raquel Teran RTeran@azleg.gov
Richard Andrade RAndrade@azleg.gov
Isela Blanc IBlanc@azleg.gov
Reginald Bolding RBolding@azleg.gov
Andre Cano Acano@azleg.gov
Charlene Fernandez CFernandez@azleg.gov
Randall Friese RFriese@azleg.gov
Rosanna Gabaldon RGabaldon@azleg.gov
Daniel Hernandez DHernandez@azleg.gov
Jennifer Jermaine JJermaine@azleg.gov
Jennifer Longdon JLongdon@azleg.gov
Pamela Powers Hannley PPowersHannley@azleg.gov
Diego Rodriguez DRodriguez@azleg,gov
Athena Salman ASalman@azleg.gov
Amish Shah AShah@azleg.gov
Arlando Teller ATeller@azleg.gov
Myron Tsosie MTsosie@azleg.gov