Petition in Support of Limiting Government Week in Arizona

Arizona Representative Steve Montenegro (LD13) and Senator Al Melvin (LD11) have a great idea.    

"While the idea of Limited Government is central to conservative philosophy and mentions of it are scattered throughout the Republican Party Platform, there is no determined effort to make the act of limiting government and increasing personal freedoms a central part of the work done by Arizona’s State Legislature.

The signers of this petition support the proposition put forward by State Representative Steve Montenegro and State Senator Al Melvin that one full week of business at the Arizona Legislature be set aside for Limiting Government Week and that this week should be reserved to the hearing of bills that would reduce regulations and/or the size of Arizona’s government.

The signers of this petition believe that Arizona would set yet another example for legislatures around the country to follow and that Arizona’s State Legislature should send a strong message to employers around the country that Arizona is "Open For Business."

The signers of this petition urge all members of Arizona’s State Legislature and especially those in leadership positions to place onto the schedule Limiting Government Week beginning with the 2014 Regular Session."

Please sign the petition here.  

You might also send this to your city and town councils. Ask them:   "What have you done lately to limit the size of government and reduce regulations"?  I suspect they have been busy growing government and passing new regulations.