Find out the facts about how this latest tax increase will vacuum out whatever is left of your bank account. Forget taking care of your own family. It’s up to YOU bail out the hospital!
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See the quoe below from a recent article titled "Prop 480: A Billion Dollar Boondoggle. Click HERE
"Well, you won’t be surprised to learn that the same forces that rammed Medicaid expansion through the legislature are at it again. Insider, political operative, Chuck Coughlin is the head cheerleader for proposition 480 and he has put together a “who’s who” list of tax increase supporters like Ed Pastor, Mary Rose “Never met a tax I didn’t like” Wilcox, Rodney Glassman from (we can’t tax you enough, Pima County), and Michael “we need a bigger tax for light rail” Johnson. What’s $1.4 Billion to them, right?"