Abby Johnson’s Powerful Conversion: Former Planned Parenthood Facility Director

"I had been lied to by Planned Parenthood, and because of that I had, in turn, lied to thousands and thousands of women."  Abby Johnson, former director of Planned Parenthood facility in Bryan, Texas from 2001-2009.

A visiting doctor came to the facility one day.  He explained that "it’s safer if the doctor can see what he’s doing when he’s performing surgery."  He showed Abby what an abortion using ultrasound looks like.  Her job was to hold the ultrasound probe in place so the doctor would be able to, in his words, "visualize the target."  The baby was 13 weeks.  The doctor inserted the suction tube……

It wasn’t turned on.  "I could see on the screen when this tube went up beside this child…when it touched this baby in the womb, the baby jumped, and he began flailing his arms and legs as if he was trying to move away from that abortion instrument…The doctor asked the technician to turn on the suction.  He said, ‘Beam me up, Scotty.’  The suction was turned on, and I just remember the tiny body of this baby …i could see it being twisted and turned…i saw pieces of the baby just disappearing into the suction machine…the last piece I saw was this perfectly formed tiny backbone….then it disappeared.  The abortion was complete.  I left the room and went to my office….I thought….that wasn’t supposed to happen.  This baby wasn’t supposed to feel what was taking place….wasn’t supposed to know the instrument was there…this baby wasn’t supposed to be fighting for its life….that’s not what Planned Parenthood has told me…I had been lied to…"  

See Also:

About Abby Johnson  

And Then There Were None (organization that helps abortion clinic workers leave the abortion industry.)  

Planned Parenthood finalizes $4.3 million lawsuit settlement   

Planned Parenthood’s Waste, Abuse, and Potential Fraud: Alliance Defending Freedom’s 2013 Report on Federal and State Audits of Planned Parenthood Affiliates and State Family Planning Programs.