Attendees at a recent Gilbert School Board Meeting…..Pray

What you are about to see is members of the Gilbert community join together in prayer.  Their ability to do this, even before a school board meeting, was fought for 14 years.  None of the previous school board members had the courage to take a stand.  It took a board majority of three people to brave the intimidation and do what they believed reflected the traditional values of Gilbert residents.  Those board members include Board President Staci Burk, and board members Julie Smith and Daryl Colvin.  


See Also:

Gilbert School Board Meeting Tonight:  Invocation Returns After 14 Yeards of Being Silenced

Gilbert School Board:  Thanks for Standing up for Transparency and Accountability

Ron Bellus Supports GPS Board Agenda Approval Change

The Accomplishments of the Gilbert Schools Governing Board

Gilbert Schools Governing Board Sets a Standard of Excellence

God’s Name Will be Heard again in Gilbert after 14 years of Silence