Chuck Gray – My Position

We find ourselves in the midst of a great struggle, battling to save our country from the enemies of freedom. Their intent is to rule over us and tell us how we should live our lives. They are subverting our free economy, undermining our Constitutional principles and weakening the rule of law. They are determined and unrelenting in pursuit of their agenda. We must defend ourselves from these attacks and I applaud those who are willing to place themselves at great personal risk as they run to our defense. They are our champions of freedom.

Yet, these champions of freedom, to a large degree, stand alone. We should be at their side – fighting shoulder to shoulder with them. And when they are attacked we should quickly rise to their defense as they so quickly rose to ours.

Senator Russell Pearce is one who has consistently championed the principles of liberty. While defending our liberties, he has been threatened, maligned and persecuted. Those who have conspired against our American way of life are now targeting Senator Pearce because of his effectiveness.

Liberal progressives are trying to silence the voice of this champion of freedom through a recall election. Those who have joined to vote with the Recall organizers, have unwittingly sided with the very people who are determined to destroy our freedoms. When in a battle such as this, we should never side with the enemies of freedom. That is why I fully support Russell Pearce.