The new, highly touted Common Core curriculum includes a pornographic story by Toni Morrison titled "The Bluest Eye." It is too disgusting and graphic for Gilbert Watch to publish, but it’s ok for your 11th grader to read and study. Click here for the article about "The Bluest Eye."
You can find this recommended story on the Arizona Department of Education website. Did you know that all 11 board members, with the exception of the Superintendent, are unelected? They are appointed by the Governor. They’ve sung the praises of Common Core for so long and so gloriously, as witnessed by the many accolades that appear on the Arizona Department of Education website, how could they plead ignorance? They must be delighted to bring "The Bluest Eye" to your child.
To find "The Bluest Eye," go here: “English Language Arts, Appendix B. Provides text exemplars and sample performance tasks.”.
Be sure to thank Governor Brewer, Superintendent John Huppenthal, and the entire Arizona (unelected) Board of Education for introducing our children to a new level of moral bankruptcy.
Arizona’s Common Core Standards Home Page: "The standards were developed in collaboration with teachers, education leaders, and experts, to provide a clear and consistent framework to prepare our children for college and the workforce. This state-led effort was coordinated by the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) and the Council of Chief State School Officers CCSSO)."