Common Core Symposium – 10/30/2013 – 1 PM – Arizona Senate – Hearing Room 1

Please attend this very important symposium.  Four panelists will be giving presentations on why they disapprove/approve of Common Core including- Jonathan Butcher (Goldwater Institute), Dr. Sandra Stotsky (Leading expert on Common Core/University of Arkansas), Jared Taylor (Heritage Academy) and John Huppenthal (Superintendent of Public Instruction). See attached flier for further details. Please forward this post and this Common Core Symposium flyer to your email list.  

See Also:

Dr. Sandra Stotsky at Civitas Common Core Forum

How the Two Align:  Common Core State Standards and Heritage Academy’s Curriculum

Heber-Overgaard Schools Governing Board Votes No to Signing Common Core Declaration.

Response to John Huppenthal’s Common Core Name Change

Top Ten Professors Calling Out Common Core’s So-Called College Readiness