The date is 6/30/2009. The scene is the Gilbert Town Council chambers. Council member Jenn Daniels has been in office for only two weeks. And yet, her understanding of the spending problem in Gilbert exceeds that of every other Council member except Mayor John Lewis.
Watch and listen as Jenn Daniels speaks out against raising taxes on Gilbert citizens. Her statement is followed by Linda Abbott’s motion to raise the sales tax. John Sentz seconds it. It passes 5-2.
Again, in the same Council meeting, Ms. Daniels displays an understanding of the Use Tax, and speaks out against it. Council member Presmyk makes a motion to pass it, seconded by Steve Urie. It passes 5-2.
On 8/11/2009, these taxes are rescinded by the Council following 2500 signatures of Gilbert voters on 3 petitions. Also, Carrie Ann Sitren of the Goldwater Institute attended that Council meeting and advised the Council that the taxes should go to a vote of the people.
Please vote for Victor Petersen and Jordan Ray. They will join Mayor Lewis, Council Member Jenn Daniels, and Council Member-Elect Eddie Cook in bringing competent leadership to Gilbert.