Dave Allison takes Julie Smith’s Advice

A few months ago, conservative candidate for Gilbert School Board Julie Smith, brought to the attention of the board and superintendency the availability of a free George Washington portrait and teaching materials for schools.  This program, the George Washington Portrait Project, is funded 100% through private donations, no taxpayer dollars.  It is available through George Washington’s Mt. Vernon Estate, Museum and Gardens website.

Stated on the website:

"As commander in chief of the Continental Army, George Washington led our nation to independence. As president of the Constitutional Convention, he presided over the creation of our new instrument of government. And, as the first president of the United States, he led our country through the early, turbulent years of nationhood. George Washington’s leadership, character and civic responsibility remain examples to follow today."

Superintendent Dave Allison took Ms. Smith’s advice and spread the word.  Many schools applied for and received the materials. 

Recently, Mr. Allison advised  Ms. Smith that he went to Mesquite High School to look at a portrait and that they are bigger than he thought they would be and a much nicer quality than he assumed.   Mr. Allison believes 15-16 schools have chosen to participate in the offer and all the feedback has been very positive.  He said “it’s a good deal!”

This great photo is of Michael Hansen, Assistant Principal of South Valley Jr High School, with the George Washington Portrait.


Here is information for Teachers and Students relating to this and other educational projects.  On the left of the page is a menu that includes the portrait project for schools. 

Please Vote for Julie Smith for Gilbert School Board!