Some races are absolutely critical, and the choice of candidate in the upcoming Primary who can beat the heavily financed Democrat Harry Mitchell is one of them. If you live in Congressional District 5 or know anyone who does, please send them this information. Gilbert Watch supports David Schweikert as the strongest Conservative candidate for U.S. Representative in the 5th Congressional District. He is the front runner with the very best chance of defeating Harry Mitchell.
During the Bush years when conservatives were scorned, Mr. Schweikert stayed true to the course. As Maricopa County Treasurer, he has a strong record of being fiscally responsible and protecting the taxpayer. As a legislator David successfully sponsored and pushed through tax breaks for Arizona’s families, and many other citizen-first bills. He supports common sense health care reforms. He is endorsed by the NRA and Arizona Right to Life. He will fight to secure our border and is opposed to those who come to our country illegally.
David is also a successful entrepreneur and businessman who has for many years owned and operated Sheridan Equities, a real estate investment company with several million dollars under management.
David Schweikert supports the economic plan of Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan, which can pull us back from the financial disaster we are going to face, if we don’t take over the United States Congress with Conservatives who know what to do. Make no mistake about it. The Obama-Pelosi regime wants Harry Mitchell to maintain a stranglehold on his Arizona District in order to “finish off” our Constitution, Capitalism, and Free Enterprise in America.
Please check out his website here:
You will also find his website listed on the left side of the Home Page for GilbertWatch.
Ann and Ralph Heins are having a Wine and Appetizer party at their home on Friday, July 9 from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm for you to meet David and his wife Joyce. If you would like to attend, please contact Ann at
It’s time to STOP the Socialist take-over which is turning the American dream into a nightmare.
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