Eddie Farnsworth, candidate for Arizona House of Representatives, LD22, was recently interviewed on August 7, 2010, by Marcus Kelly of “Grassroots Interview.” The interview can be viewed on Sonoran Alliance here: http://sonoranalliance.com/2010/08/08/14149/#comments.
In the words of Marcus Kelly, who has interviewed hundreds of Conservative candidates, “I was thoroughly honored to have interviewed Eddie Farnsworth, the former state legislator that is running for the open House seat in Legislative District 22 vacated by Andy Biggs. Andy is running for the Senate and has no primary or general election opposition and pretty much has his Senate seat locked up. Eddie’s scores from Goldwater Institute are phenomenal, and he has racked up some of the most coveted endorsements for conservatives for this election cycle, namely Sheriff Joe and Russell Pearce. Without dispute, Eddie is one of the most conservative legislators we’ve had at the state legislature in recent history. We need people like him in office across the board both in the party and in the legislature. I wish him the best of luck in his race, and I’d caution voters of LD22 that they’d be foolish NOT to elect Mr. Farnsworth.”