Executing a False Registration in Arizona is a Class 6 Felony


To Register to vote in Arizona you Must be a U.S. Citizen

In both English and Spanish, in bright red letters, Arizona’s Voter Registration Form states:

To register to vote in Arizona you must:

  1. Be a U.S. Citizen.

In bright blue the form states:

WARNING:  Executing a false registration is a class 6 felony.


Presumptive Sentence for a Class 6 Felony

“The presumptive sentence for the first time offender is 1 year, with a 6 month minimum, though the severity of the crime can increase imprisonment for the first time class 6 felony offender to 1.5 years and up to 2 years for an aggravated class 6 felony. Mitigating circumstances can reduce the sentence to 4 months.”