Where are the Moderate "Religion of Peace" Muslim voices in America protesting and denouncing this savagery? Are they too afraid that they will be beheaded? Are they too busy "educating Americans" about how peaceful they are? These soulless monsters have no right to claim they are human. They are the ghouls of the world.
Click HERE to read "French Hostage Herve Gourdel Beheaded in Algeria."
Click HERE to read "Iraqi Woman Activist Killed by Isis after being Tortured for Five Days."
ISIS Beheads US journalist James Foley
ISIS Beheads US Journalist Steven Sotloff
ISIS Beheads British Aid Worker David Haines
Christian Persecution Rankings: 50 Countries where Christians are Most Persecuted
See previous GW posts:
Dennis Michael Lynch Explains how ISIS is Gaining World Dominance
The Headchopper Who Lives Next Door