Dear Friends of Liberty!
Please come to this Super Spectacular Family Event, Celebrating Freedom, and Fighting Tax Increases Every Step of the Way!
If we can stop Prop 406 (Gilbert tax increase) and Prop 100 (Arizona tax increase) at the 5/18/2010 Election, we will make HEADLINES. We will give courage to other communities to do the same, and to hold elected officials accountable to make responsible decisions with taxpayer money.
Turning our country around begins at home.
Out there (Washington, DC) – "business as usual" – In here (Gilbert, Arizona) – "Thunder and Lightning"!
Don’t sit on the sidelines!
Anti Tax Rally
Why is Gilbert at Ground Zero? Because Gilbert families are under attack from two fronts: a 17 percent increase in town taxes and another 18 percent increase in the state sales tax rate (already the fifth highest in the nation). They are Taxed Enough Already. They are fighting back. And they want you to join them.
This isn’t just a Gilbert event. This is for everyone who wants government off their backs and out of their wallets.