Gilbert School Board Meeting: Tuesday, March 4. Greet the new Superintendent!

Please attend the March 4 board meeting and offer your support for both the board and the new Superintendent, Dr. Christina DeJesus Kishimoto.  This is the time for kindness, warmth, and respect.  Remember that Dr. Kishimoto’s previous position was Superintendent of Hartford Public Schools.  Hartford is less than a 50-minute drive from Newtown, Connecticut.  This was the site of one of the most brutal, senseless shootings of young children in the history of America.   

We all wish Dr. Kishimoto the very best, and even though there is still a Moment of Silence until the Invocation takes its place, please take that time to ask the Lord to bless her and guide her.  She is a competent and talented young woman who wants to do the best job possible for Gilbert’s children.  Please offer words of support for her, and for the Gilbert School board.        

Governing Board Room, 7:00 p.m.
Gilbert Public Schools
Building B
140 S. Gilbert Road
Gilbert, AZ 85296

HERE is the link to the agenda.

See also:

Hartford Public Schools

Message from Superintendent of Hartford Schools Dr. Kishimoto