ICC 2012 International Residential Code – Law in Gilbert?


Rusdon Ray, a local Gilbert draftsman/Home Designer, has written the following report on a meeting that took place on  April 4 with the Gilbert Planning Department regarding the ICC’s (International Code Council) 2012 International Building Codes.  It is expected that on June 1, 2013, Gilbert Town Management will propose to the Council that these codes are made into “law.”  Rusdon and many citizens want to see them in their useful place in the free market as suggestions and recommendations.  See previous articles written by Rusdon: Out of Control EPA and Arizona Code Enforcers and Quest for Excellence:  Best Done through Mandates or Personal Choice?

Have these thousands of pages of codes been made law in your  town or city, without being read or understood?   Here is Rusdon’s report on one of 9 code books: 2012 International Residential Code. 

ICC’s 2012 International Residential Code (IRC)

"This is a brief report of our meeting with the Gilbert Planning Department and The Home Builders Association of Central Arizona to go over the new proposed ICC’s 2012 International Residential Code (IRC)

The plan from Town Management is to propose as new laws the complete "Family" of International Codes to Town Council on June 1st, but this time around the public is more aware and are able to see a little of what’s in the updates to the codes before they are passed.  We now understand how these international codes become law – the Town Council passes them into law at the urging of Town Staff.  We are beginning to see the effect of these most recent ICC codes that have grown until they are controlling light bulbs and flag poles, not to mention appliances, plug locations, insulation, windows, etc.

 Currently, Gilbert enforces the 2006 Codes, which were made law several years ago.

 Town Inspectors are still finding new things in the last set of mandated codes 7 years after they were passed.  Please note that they were passed into law without anyone reading them!

If these 2012 codes are passed into law by the Town Council, the estimated increased building cost to a standard custom home will be between $10,000 to $20,000 not to mention increase to permit costs and taxes, longer construction time and an incalculable frustration due to the loss of personal liberty. 

 Below is a review of only some of the updates to the 2012 International Residential Code (IRC).  This is one of the nine new “Family” of proposed code books. At future meetings we will go over the 2012 International Building Code (IBC), the International Fire Code (IFC), the International Mechanical Code (IMC), the International Plumbing Code (IPC), the International green Construction Code (IgCC); the 2011 National Electrical Code (NEC); and the 2012 editions of the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) and the International Fuel Gas Code (IFGC).

Some of the 2012 International Residential Code Restrictions and Mandates

Manual J-calcs required on all homes (this makes sure your a/c unit is not bigger than allowed) A mechanical engineer is needed to do these new calculations.

Fire Sprinklers may be required in all new homes. (Has anyone ever looked at the water damage done by water sprinklers?  How effective are sprinklers?)

No flag poles over 20′ allowed even with a permit. (They said model homes are exempt)

Drains in window wells required

Carbon monoxide detectors required

Air infiltration design required

Air duct leakage test required

Blower door test required

75% of light bulbs to be high efficiency type required

Locking caps required on refrigerant lines on all refrigerators required

Larger range hoods required

Whole house venting required

No commercial appliances allowed in residential

No pressure tests on plastic pipes allowed

Grounding required on all detached garages

New bonding requirements for low voltage

Breaker ties required on dbl breakers

Exterior plug required on decor balconies

Additional outlets required in entryways of homes

All exterior plugs required to be GFCI protected even if out of reach and ceiling plugs

AFCI plugs required on every outlet in entire house

Tamper resistant outlets required on every outlet throughout house"