President Barack Obama isn’t the only tyrant who wields power at his whim. Meet Code Enforcement….in Gilbert, Arizona, home of "Constitution Week USA."
According to Gordon Ray, a local builder, here are two examples of what happens on almost every building inspection in Gilbert. This is one of many reasons that several local professionals and tradesmen from the construction and building industry in Gilbert have been fighting against the Town Council’s adoption of the 2012 ICC (International Code Council) building codes. Gilbert needs to have their own simple, justifiable codes, rather than hundreds of international codes, many of which are expensive, not applicable, and misinterpreted by the Town’s inspectors.
Please note that Gilbert’s inspector doesn’t even cite the specific code that has been "violated." If he bothered to "look it up," he might have to actually read it. If he had read it, he could have saved the sub-contractor and the Gilbert homeowner time and money. The sub-contractor just submits to the list of violations (right or wrong) because it takes him more time and costs him more money to do the Inspector’s job by looking up the code and proving that the inspector is wrong. Ultimately, these costs are eaten by the consumer. Everybody pays the price….except the Town inspector.
Example #1: The inspector issued a turn down notice, citing only "Wrong bushing in electrical panel." After the electrician spoke to the inspector, it was determined that the electrician was correct in his application. It took about $80.00 labor to get the inspector to admit he was wrong.
Example #2: The inspector issued a turn down notice, citing only "No foam in attic."
There was a time when foam was used on gable ends. If and when a house burned down, the code stated that the fumes from the fire would be toxic. So, the code stated no foam in attics. However, the code also states that you can have foam in the attic, if you put drywall on your walls and ceilings. Such was the case in this example. However, the sub-contractor went ahead and removed it, even though he was correct. He missed a few small 2" x 3" pieces, so the Inspector (incorrectly) turned it down again. So, the sub went back and removed every tiny piece. The cost to this private business? $185.00 rather than fight with the Town Inspector.
Today at 4 pm, there will be a Town Council Study Session to discuss the possible adoption of hundreds of more pages of "codes." The meeting will be held in the Council Chambers, Gilbert Municipal Center, 50 E. Civic Center Dr.
Click here and here and here for more information on this issue.