Jim O’Connor Announces Run for State Party Chairman of the AZGOP

I have tremendous respect for Jim O’Connor.  In the following press release, you will read about Jim’s role in renouncing the National Popular Vote.  I was one of the people he patiently educated regarding its problems.  Ultimately, a group of us were able to convince our Senator, Sylvia Allen, to back away from supporting it.  Jim is true to the Republican platform and has provided leadership in other areas as well, including the passage of HB2088, which protects students against surveys that gather private, personally identifiable information.  He advised his representative in LD23, Heather Carter, "Our 444 Precinct Committeemen are reflecting the opinions of the 70,000 registered republican votes in our district overwhelmingly protecting the rights of parents and children. Please represent these and other republicans who desire to restrain government overreach."  She voted in favor on reconsideration.  Mr. O’Connor has stood firmly in support of legislation that honors parental authority and rejects federal control of education in Arizona.


At the September 8, 2016 meeting of LD 23 (Scottsdale & Fountain Hills), Chairman Jim O’Connor announced his intention to run for the office of AZGOP State Party Chairman in the election to be held at the statutory meeting on January 28, 2017.

“I am running to give AZGOP State Committeemen an opportunity to choose a Chairman who will incorporate the grassroots activists’ voices and ideas into the operation of our State Party. I intend to reopen the doors of party headquarters to Republican volunteers and take advantage of their willingness to offer their time, talents, and treasure to the party. I look to orchestrate a model of appropriate behavior from the top down.”

If given the opportunity to serve AZGOP members, Jim commits to holding monthly Zoom conference calls with all County Chairs, as well as face-to-face meetings once each quarter. “I pledge,” he said, “to build a more vibrant AZGOP on a foundation of trust, honor, respect, and adherence to party bylaws and the Republican Party Platform.”

Jim has been active in our party politics for the past 10 years, having served as Member at Large for CD 5 and again for CD 6, each for 2-year terms. He was elected Chairman of LD 23 in November 2014, and serves on the Executive Guidance Council of the Maricopa County Republican Committee. During this past year, Jim spearheaded the effort to renounce the National Popular Vote Compact legislation, which moved through our State House. As part of that continuing effort, he built a team to educate legislators and PCs statewide about the failings of this foolish idea. The compact, if passed, would subvert the will of the people of Arizona, by mandating that our electoral votes go to the winner of the national popular vote, even if it differs from the actual Arizona result.

The most salient example of Jim’s effectiveness in building the party and motivating volunteers was his success in working with his district’s Precinct Captains and Area Directors to appoint 135 new Precinct Committeemen in LD 23.

Jim encourages all newly elected Precinct Committeemen interested in voting in this upcoming election to place their names on their District or County ballots for the position of State Committeeman. Only State Committeemen are eligible to vote in the race for State Party Chairman.

Contact info for Jim is 602-538-9387 and email: JWO@RONNOCO3.COM