I recently sent the following email to Governor Jan Brewer and these Arizona Republican representatives who either plan to vote YES to Arizona’s Medicaid expansion, or are leaning toward voting YES. I wanted them to know, without a doubt, that they will have a hand in increasing grisly preborn deaths.
Dear Representatives Kate Brophy McGee (LD28); Heather Carter (LD15); Doug Coleman (LD16); Jeff Dial (LD18); Karen Fann (LD1); Tom Forese (LD17); Doris Goodale (LD5); Ethan Orr (LD9); Frank Pratt (LD8); Bob Robson (LD18); T. J. Shope (LD8); Andy Tobin (LD1):
No matter how much anyone protests, the fact is that if you vote to expand Medicaid in Arizona, you are voting for the deaths of thousands more preborn children, even infanticide, as this undercover video confirms: INHUMANE: Undercover in America’s Late Term Abortion Industry: Infanticide in Arizona.
You realize, don’t you, that in late term abortions, the abortionist dismembers the “fetus” in utero and sucks out its brains.
I refer you to the article titled One Monster Among Many
Alliance Defending Freedom asserts in their letter to Rep. Justin Olson: “Several abortion providers in Arizona participate in Medicaid. While taxpayer funds are prohibited from directly paying for most abortions, experts have confirmed that Arizona taxpayer Medicaid funds are nevertheless subsidizing elective abortions.”
See also this May 21, 2013 article: Appeals Court Strikes Down Arizona Ban on Abortions. “A federal appeals court struck down an Arizona law on Tuesday that bans abortions from 20 weeks gestation, saying it violated "unalterably clear" U.S. Supreme Court rulings that women have a right to terminate pregnancies until a fetus is viable.”
Finally, please note, as revealed in a recent Braham Resnik interview with Governor Brewer, expanding Medicaid in Arizona relies on the success of ObamaCare. Please see: Governor Brewer’s Legacy of Debt to Future Generations: Medicaid Expansion Interview with Braham Resnik.
“Braham Resnik said, ‘By an odd coincidence, on the same day the Arizona Senate approved the Medicaid expansion, the United States House of Representatives voted, for the 37th time, to repeal ObamaCare. You need ObamaCare for the Medicaid expansion. If you had been in Congress, would you have voted to repeal ObamaCare?’
“Brewer: ‘Well, not necessarily….oh, if I had been in Congress? Oh, I don’t know. I probably would have….’"
In other words, if you and Governor Brewer are for expanding Medicaid in Arizona, you are for ObamaCare.