Michelle Malkin, nationally recognized conservative blogger, commentator, and author, recently endorsed Diane Douglas for Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction. In the article written by Ms. Malkin, she notes that Diane’s challenger, John Huppenthal, savaged Common Core opponents as "barbarians at the gate.”
States Ms. Malkin, "This ad hominem attack is straight from the playbook of other elitist Common Core peddlers (see Arne Duncan’s bigoted sneer at “white suburban moms”, Missouri state rep. Mike Lair’s swipe at “paranoid” parents, and Jeb Bush’s snit fit against critics.)"
Ms. Malkin also notes that Common Core is finally hitting the mainstream, "thanks to vigilant and tireless grass-roots parents, activists, and scholars at the vanguard of the Stop Common Core movement. Now, the battle is moving to the polls. As I reported last week, two Indiana state legislative candidates ousted pro-Common Core incumbents. Jason Hart reports that an Ohio state GOP legislative challenger also defeated a pro-Common Core incumbent."
Ms. Malkin calls Diane Douglas "principled, clear-thinking, and bold."
Click HERE to read "Endorsement: Diane Douglas for Arizona State Superintendent.
See Also:
Teachers Revolt Over Common Core Tests
Huppenthal Admitted Arizona Education Was Improving BEFORE Common Core
Frank Riggs for Governor of Arizona
Diane Douglas for Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction
Tom Horne Brought Common Core to Arizona
Common Core Globalization: Fact and Fiction
The History of Common Core Standards
Those 24 Common Core 2009 Work Group Members
Mercedes Schneider: Who are the 24 People Who Wrote the Common Core Standards?
Building the Machine: The Common Core Documentary
Child Psychologist Dr. Megan Koschnick Explains Why Common Core Standards are Inappropriate for K-3
What’s Wrong with Arizona’s Common Core Standards? (aka ACCS)