Nancy Barto: Pick Up Petitions to Repeal Arizona ObamaCare Expansion! – July 3

Dear Friends,

Thank you for showing up on Friday to sign and pick up petitions to repeal the Arizona Obamacare Medicaid expansion! 

So many of you came by, or expressed a desire to, that we are doing this again.  This week I will be in Northwest Phoenix.  Here are the details – spread the word to those who might live in that area. 

·        Paradise Bakery at Norterra

·        Happy Valley and the I-17

·        Wednesday, July 3rd at 9 a.m. – 11 a.m.

·        You may turn in completed and notarized petitions to me then, too

Independence Day get-togethers provide a great opportunity to pass around the petition – along with the home-made ice cream.  You can also sign up to help at   You will need to download your own petition in order to sign it.

BTW, did you hear the latest?  Even N.J. Governor Christie vetoed Medicaid expansion!  Read why states should reject the Obamacare Medicaid expansion here: The Heartland Institute’s research.

Stay cool this week – and let’s keep the families of the 19 firefighters who perished in the Yarnell fire in our prayers.  Thank you.

Senator Nancy Barto (LD15)

Paid for by Nancy Barto for Senate