New Jersey Governor Chris Christie in Phoenix 11/18/2010!

Time is running out to see New Jersey Governor Chris Christie on his visit to Arizona during the Goldwater Institute Annual Dinner on Nov. 18. Governor Christie is one of the most popular Republicans in the country because of his efforts to balance New Jersey’s budget without tax increases, and to reform the K-12 education system to improve school quality and hold teachers accountable. Many are wondering if he will run for president in 2012 (despite his public protests to contrary).

The dinner will be held from 5 to 9 p.m. Nov. 18 at the Phoenician on Camelback Road. Attire will be regular business dress.

Tickets are $175 each for members of the Goldwater Institute. Nonmembers can join the Goldwater Institute for $50 and get two tickets at the $175 price. That’s a savings of $225!

For more information and to register, visit