In a June 10, 2013 press release, Rep. David Schweikert has announced his opposition to the Arizona Medicaid Expansion. Scottsdale, Ariz. – Citing the fiscal risks and structural problems with the plan, Rep. David Schweikert (R-AZ) announced his opposition to the proposal to expand Medicaid currently being debated in the Arizona Legislature:
“While I understand the desire of some of our state leaders to address uncompensated medical care, this proposal is simply too fiscally risky and should be voted down.
“Specifically, this proposal relies upon a provision of federal law that allows states to effectively double-dip when collecting the provider tax, the first time from hospitals and then again from the federal government during the reimbursement process.
“Unfortunately, this provider tax reimbursement provision is currently being eyed by members of both parties to either be eliminated or substantially reduced. Should this happen, and there are indications that it will, Arizona taxpayers would be on the financial hook for the shortfall.
“That fact drives my opposition to this proposal. Unfortunately, this proposal is not a ‘freebie’ for Arizona taxpayers as some have claimed.
It is structurally flawed and will very likely become actuarially unsound in the very near future.
“I would strongly encourage legislators considering this proposal to fully understand the financial implications of what passage would mean for our state and more importantly for Arizona taxpayers.”