There are many reasons to oppose the ObamaCare expansion in Arizona. I think that the number one reason we Republicans oppose ObamaCare in Arizona is that we are, after all, Republicans, not Socialists. So, why would some of our Republican legislators support an expansion of health care that flies in the face of everything that is “Republican”? Have our legislators lost their identity? Have the halls of the Capitol building (nobody knows who owns it) become so overrun with lobbyists that some of our Republican legislators have lost touch with their foundational principles? (A sane person in an insane asylum eventually goes insane.)
As Republicans, it’s important that we reach out to our Republican legislators and do all possible to stop them from becoming RINO’s before it’s too late! We must save them!!! We must also save Arizona.
A Gilbert Watch reader provided the following link titled 10 Myths About the Obamacare Medicaid Expansion.
The vote to expand ObamaCare will be coming very soon to the Arizona House of Representatives. Please send an email to the following Republican representatives. Or call their offices. In your email/phone call, please choose one of the arguments in the referenced article, to encourage and help our erring legislators to vote NO to expanding ObamaCare in Arizona.
Here are the Legislators who desperately need our encouragement:
Kate Brophy McGee LD28 602-926-4486
Heather Carter LD15 602-926-5503
Doug Coleman LD16 602-926-3160
Jeff Dial LD18 602-926-5550
Tom Forese LD17 602-926-5168
Ethan Orr LD9 602-926-3235
Frank Pratt LD8 602-926-5761
Bob Robson LD18 602-926-5549
TJ Shope LD8 602-926-3012