Why do some countries enjoy Freedom, Liberty, and Prosperity, and others don’t? Why do the people of some countries have starving populations, and others don’t? Is it their plentiful or scarce natural resources?
No. It is their form of government. It is whether or not they honor the Rule of Law…or cave into the Whims of men.
11:00 am Leftist Sen. Gallardo, who is speaking at 11am (?) to the media, announcing his bill to repeal SB1070. Senator Gallardo is a Randy Parraz backer and friend. He is a publicly proclaimed advocate for Open Borders and severely opposes the development of the AZ State Guard to secure AZ’s Border. Both Gallardo and Parraz support the policies of Barack Obama and Obama’s Department of “Justice.” Obama’s Department of Justice has declared war on just about every state in the union, and especially those states that are fighting against illegal immigration. The Obama DOJ is also suing states, trying to block their efforts to show photo ID in order to vote.
11:30 Speaker Tobin will hold a press conference to announce the creation of an AD HOC Committee on Operation Fast and Furious chaired by Rep David Burnell Smith (border conservative). The Committee will have SUBPOENA authority to find out who, why, what impact, and if any AZ laws have been violated. We MUST support Rep. Smith’s efforts.
“Arizona Strikes Back: State Investigates Feds over Gun Running”
12 Noon State Senator Sylvia Allen, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Border Security State Sovereignty, will be responding to a public Press Conference (Gallardo and Tobin?) being held this Monday, at the Arizona State Capitol approximately 12noon. Please arrive early.