Born to Die

(Originally published in Days of Praise by the Institute for Creation Research.)  

April 14, 2017

Born to Die

“For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45)

Especially as noted in the gospel of John, Christ identified many reasons why He had been born. Consider the following sampling of verses and references. First and foremost, Christ came to redeem those who would believe: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). But under that umbrella of redemption come many other aspects.

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Love is Here

  See Also: Amira Willighagen – "O Holy Night" (St. Jacobs Church, The Hague) – Christmas Concert 2015 Phoenix Chorale sings "Ubi Caritas" by Ola Gjeilo The Story Behind Longfellow’s "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day"   The King is

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Can Muslims and Christians Live Together in Peace?

Please join Mr. Aaron Atwood, vice president of Advancement for Summit Ministries as he interviews Dr. Mateen Elaas.  Mateen was the second of four children born to a Syrian Muslim.  While studying at the University of Wisconsin, he began a search for God. Mateen was guided by Christians who pointed him to Christ.  "Read the four gospels of the New Testament.  Get to know Jesus," they said.  He did.  Eventually, he became a Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ. As is common in Middle Eastern families, he soon paid a high price for his newfound faith: isolation from his father for more than a decade. Today, Mateen works with churches and Christian groups eager to learn about Islam, its claims and challenges, and how to share the gospel winsomely and effectively with Muslims. He is eager to respond to opportunities for teaching and training Christians in these timely matters.  Read more about Mateen Elaas.   

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Arizona Origin Science Association Meeting March 28

(Originally scheduled for March 21, this meeting will take place on March 28 instead.)  The Arizona Origin Science Association (AZOSA) will be meeting Tuesday, March 28 at 7:00 pm at the Payson Public Library Meeting Room. Mike Riddle, president of the Creation Training Initiative, will present "4 Power Questions to ask an Evolutionist." If you have anyone in your circle of influence who likes to challenge your views on biblical origins, posing these 4 questions will provide you with evidence that your opponent will not be able to disprove!

Further, these 4 foundational questions establish why evolution cannot be defended scientifically and must rely on faith.

The seminar shows how the layperson can successfully witness to an evolutionist.

This meeting, as with all AzOSA meetings, is open to the public and is FREE!

The featured speaker, Mike Riddle, has a B.A. from Colorado State University, and an M. Ed. from Pepperdine University.  In addition to being president of the Creation Training Initiative , Mr. Riddle is also an Adjunct Staff member for Answers in Genesis.  

For more information, call or email Michael Calcagno, the AzOSA Gila Division VP, at 503-476-2300 or

Please visit the AZ Origin Science Association website.

God is Good… All the Time!


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