Which wall?
The laws, rules, regulations, executive branch and federal agency proclamations and issuances, memos, guidance documents, bulletins, circulars, announcements with practical regulatory effect, “significant” agency guidance documents, and thousands of other such documents that are subject to little scrutiny or democratic accountability, and that have stifled entrepreneurship, jobs, the economy, and innovation.
That Wall. Tear it down, Mr. Trump.
Of the 10 highest-ever Federal Register regulation page counts, Obama is responsible for seven. Obama keeps breaking his own record! 77,687 (2014); 78,961 (2012); 79,311 (2013); 80,260 (2015); 81,247 (2011); 81,405 (2010).; and 91,642 (2016). That’s an Atlas-back-breaking total of over 570,000 pages. There are some "fact checkers" who quibble about number of pages versus number of regulations, blah, blah. However, the point is this: Americans are being strangled by regulations.
This is what the Regulatory Wall looked like in 2013, before Obama "hit his stride."
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