NOTE: This article has been published with permission of American Post-Gazette, Distributed by C O M M O N S E N S E in Arizona, September 6, 2020. If you don’t already subscribe to the American Post-Gazette, we suggest that you do.  Just send an email to azstatesmen@gmail.com.  You’ll receive occasional emails from Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, former Arizona Senator Russell Pearce, Samuel Adams, Ben Franklin, and others, and most recently, Sybil Ludington, who wrote the following, well researched post. 

If you know masks don’t work, why are you wearing one?*    

(NOTE: Since publishing Part 1, I learned from a reader that Coronavirus cases and hospitalizations have soared in Hawaii since indoor and outdoor mask mandates.)  

Hydroxychloroquine and Other Low Cost Treatments. The FDA has warned physicians against prescribing hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine, often in combination with antibiotic azithromycin (Z-Pak) for COVID-19, reporting “serious heart rhythm problems and other safety issues, including blood and lymph system disorders, kidney injuries, and liver problems and failures.”    Yet, a large-scale retrospective analysis of 2,541 patients hospitalized between March 10 and May 2, 2020 across six hospitals, found 13% of those treated with hydroxychloroquine alone died compared to 26.4% not treated with hydroxychloroquine. None of the patients had documented serious heart abnormalities.  

In spite of attacks against them, thousands of doctors all over the world find that Hydroxychloroquine speeds up COVID-19 recovery.  Republican Gov. Mike DeWine asked the Ohio State Pharmacy Board to rescind its ban on hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine as treatments for the coronavirus. He stated, “The decision of how to treat COVID-19 should instead be between patients and their doctors.”  

It isn’t easy to find the legitimate number of deaths from doctor-administered hydroxychlorine. However, there was one death that made the news. Wanda Lenius told NBC News that she and her (now-deceased) husband Gary consumed a version of chloroquine phosphate intended to treat fish for parasites,because it contained a chemical that Trump suggested might be an effective treatment for coronavirus. How idiotic do you have to be to drink something intended for sick fish and then blame Trump?   

Tylenol Deadlier than HCQ. On June 18, 2020, the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) reported. “Acetaminophen (aka Tylenol) toxicity is the second most common cause of liver transplantation worldwide and the most common in the US. It is responsible for 56,000 emergency department visits, 2600 hospitalizations, and 500 deaths per year in the United States. Fifty percent of these are unintentional overdoses.[6][7][8]

Who’s Pushing the Mask Hysteria? Why are legitimate doctors who tell the Truth being demonized? Why all the fearmongering? Have you noticed that elected officials, public health “experts,” media pundits, and others who are secure in their essential jobs or social security checks are the ones who lecture the rest of the world to wear masks? They are the worst, extolling their noble virtue, while vulnerable Americans suffer.     

Both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris promised a “nationwide mask mandate” if elected.  (Did he later change his bewildered mind?) Other Democrat governors and mayors are forcing masks on their citizens.  

In contrast, Republican Congressman Andy Biggs has been fearless in exposing the hype and lies associated with COVID-19. He recently tweeted, “There’s no scientific evidence to show that masks contribute to decreasing COVID-19 cases. …other health concerns …might be evolving w/increased mask usage. It’s time for the mask mandates to come to an end. “   

Democrat Maricopa County Sheriff Paul Penzone happily enforced Gov. Doug “RINO” Ducey’s stay-at-home order, (punishable by up to six months in jail and a $2,500 fine), going after restaurant owners who were caught serving food to their customers. Penzone even set up a “snitch” line.    Yet, three Republican Arizona Sheriffs (Pinal, Mojave, and Gila counties) refused to enforce the order. Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb stated, “800,000 children went missing last year, and you would never know it if you got your news from the mainstream media. Child trafficking is a major problem in our country and our department will give this issue the attention and resources it deserves. Liberals have their blinders on to every other issue besides the coronavirus.”   

Collateral Damage. In addition to horrendous sex trafficking of vulnerable children, the economic carnage is incalculable. Thousands of businesses have folded, United Airlines plans to furlough 16,000 employees, mortgages are in default, children are in lockdown and deprived of a normal education. Without teachers reporting initial signs of abuse, children are ending up in emergency rooms with far more serious injuries. The suicide rate among youth has increased dramatically, domestic violence homicides have tripled. Drug abuse has skyrocketed. The list goes on.     

The Poop Route: Wash Your Hands! With the emphasis on wearing any old mask, are you paying attention to bacteria and viruses found on surfaces? Think about the fecal-oral route the next time you fiddle with your mask, touch keypads, gas pump handles, doorknobs, toilet handles, your face. Flushing a public toilet releases a fecal aerosol plume that settles on surfaces. The fecal-oral transmission route might shed light on why 40% of COVID-19 deaths in the US happened in nursing homes. Many residents of nursing homes are bowel incontinent. Did you know that many nursing home aids don’t properly wash their hands? They also feed residents their meals.      

“Gastrointestinal symptoms — nausea and diarrhea — are common in patients who catch COVID-19. Previous studies have shown that about half of COVID-19 patients have the virus in their stool. Traces of the virus seem to remain in stool long after the virus can no longer be detected in nose and throat swabs… there was about 100 times more virus in stool than in samples taken from the patients’ mouth and nose.” 

The CDC knows about the fecal-oral transmission route. Didn’t they tell you?     

When will this madness end? Who is John Galt?    

*Exceptions: Wear a mask if required to receive medical treatment. However, if you are “bullied” by an employee to wear one, just leave and spend your money where the employees aren’t jerks.   


Hydroxychloroquine Speeds Up COVID-19 Recovery Over Placebo

COVID-19 Conversations about hydroxychloroquine and reopening schools

Joe Biden, Kamala Harris call for nationwide mask mandate

We have had enough lockdown

Big Pharma’s ‘Narrative’ Is Failing

Horowitz: CDC: 25% of young adults seriously considered suicide during lockdown

Health Officials Report Increases In Drug Overdoses, Suicides During COVID-19 Pandemic

Cure May Be Worse Than The Problem Itself In AZ County As Fentanyl Deaths Increase

Collateral damage of COVID‐19 pandemic: Delayed medical care

COVID-19 Has Led to an Increase in Human Trafficking, Experts Say

Pier 1 Imports to close all 540 stores after 58 years

United Airlines to furlough over 16,000 employees

16% of U.S. museums say they risk closing forever in a prolonged pandemic

COVID-19 Virus Found in Stool May Be Infectious

Traces Of COVID-19 Found In Abandoned Apartment Bathroom Offer New Clues About How It Spreads

As Coronavirus Looms, Many Nursing Homes Fall Short On Infection Prevention