Tenth Undercover Video: Planned Parenthood admits baby parts sales can make “a fair amount of income”

According to Live Action News, this video features multiple Planned Parenthood executives: Dr. Carolyn Westhoff, Senior Medical Advisor; Dr. Vanessa Cullins, Vice President for External Medical Affairs; and Deborah VanDerhei, National Director for the Consortium of Abortion Providers (CAPS).


"Westhoff bemoans the possible P.R. nightmare that would be unleashed if the public were to find out about their illegal activities, while VanDerhei discusses payments for the body parts as ‘donation for remuneration.’

"VanDerhei also is told that they can receive around $100 for each “specimen,” and remarks that people can make ‘a fair amount of income’ through this. Vanessa Russo, Compliance Program Administrator for Planned Parenthood Keystone in Pennsylvania, is also featured, calling the selling of aborted babies’ body parts a ‘valid exchange,’ despite the fact that purchases of human fetal tissue is a felony. And Cullins talks about the need to keep their illegal activity quiet, saying that it could ‘destroy’ the organization.

"Since the release of The Center for Medical Progress videos, Planned Parenthood has been under the scrutiny of state and federal authorities. Congress has opened several investigations into Planned Parenthood’s sale of baby parts, and 13 states have announced separate investigations. See 5 states defund and 13 states investigate Planned Parenthood 

"The Department of Justice also promised to review the videos and investigate the abortion giant. The House of Representatives is poised to vote this week to halt funding to Planned Parenthood  for one year; and several states, including Louisiana, Utah, Alabama, and Arkansas, have moved to defund the abortion giant.

"Each new video builds mounting evidence against Planned Parenthood’s trafficking of fetal body parts. In the wake of the undercover videos, pro-lifers mustered the largest protest ever against the abortion giant, with rallies at over 300 Planned Parenthood facilities."

See Also:

Ninth Undercover Video: Planned Parenthood Baby Parts Vendor ABR Pays Off Clinics, Intact Fetuses “Just Fell Out”

Eighth Undercover Video: Planned Parenthood Baby Parts Buyer StemExpress Wants "Another 50 Livers/Week"

Seventh Undercover Video: Planned Parenthood’s Custom Abortions for Superior Product

Sixth Undercover Video: Stem Express’s Purchase of Fetal Body Parts Provided by Planned Parenthood  

Fifth Undercover Video:  “Intact Fetal Cadavers” At 20-Weeks “Just a Matter of Line Items” at Planned Parenthood TX Mega-Center: Abortion Docs Can “Make it Happen”

Fourth Undercover Video: Planned Parenthood VP Says Fetuses May Come Out Intact, Agrees Payments Specific to the Specimen

Third Undercover Video: Planned Parenthood’s Black Market in Baby Parts

Second Undercover Video:  Planned Parenthood Senior Executive Haggles Over Baby Parts Prices, Changes Abortion Methods

First Undercover Video:  Planned Parenthood Uses Partial-Birth Abortions to Sell Baby Parts