Here is your opportunity to learn what you won’t learn in Arizona’s public school system. Both of these seminars are brought to you by the Thomas Jefferson Center, and they are held at the Clearview Cultural Center, 1355 S. Clearview, Mesa, AZ. 85206. (North of US-60; East of Power Rd; NE corner of Hampton & Clearview)
"Current Events and the Constitution"
Friday, August 9. 7:00 – 9:00 pm
"Healing of America Series" – Seminar #4 "Restoring the Charter of Freedom"
Saturday, August 10. 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Early registration: $39 – Register Now. At the door: $49.
Here is a description of this seminar. (Please attend even if you didn’t attend Seminars 1-3.)
" With the essential understanding you’ll have gained from Seminars 1-3, you’ll be ready to undertake a critical analysis of how the American people can restore the Constitution to its rightful place in our policies and our politics-and how we as a people can heal this great land: the Supreme Court, the Congress, the executive branch, and our educational systems, as well as our nation’s finances.
You will also learn how we can heal America spiritually and morally. Like every thinking American, you already know that we will never be able to succeed in this great land if we don’t eliminate the degeneracy that is wrecking families and destroying lives. But what can you and your family do about it? Seminar 4 will inspire you with new ideas and possibilities that will give you hope and assurance that America can recover and succeed. This "Healing of America" education series will prove to be among your most exciting learning experiences."